关于CPF SA的取款的税务规定 只有简单一句
Withdrawals are tax-free
对比SRS(Supplementary Retirement Scheme)的规定:
Withholding tax imposed on withdrawal by any foreigner and SPR will be based on the rate prevailing at the time of withdrawal
况且填补公积金的那部分税是算在tax relief里面的, 既然已经减免了, 怎么可以再追讨呢.
Withdrawals are tax-free
对比SRS(Supplementary Retirement Scheme)的规定:
Withholding tax imposed on withdrawal by any foreigner and SPR will be based on the rate prevailing at the time of withdrawal
况且填补公积金的那部分税是算在tax relief里面的, 既然已经减免了, 怎么可以再追讨呢.