Sunvic Q4 业绩不错, 不知明天股价能涨否?$file/Press_Release.pdf?openelement$file/Sunvic_Q4_2010_results_announcement.pdf?openelement
Sunvic Chemical’s Strong Q4 2010 of RMB300.6 million
Boosts FY2010 Net Profit to Record RMB650.1million
1. Q4 2010 Revenue and Net profit surged to RMB910.3 million and RMB300.6 million due to continuous strong demand and higher ASP for AA & AE products
2. Strong Q4 2010 performance boosted FY2010 profit to a new high of RMB650.1 million on revenue of RMB3.4 billion
3. FY2010 overall Profit Margin reached 29.2% due to strong downstream demand growth
4. Focus now on sustaining growth with new upstream 1,000,000-tonne cracking plant and 2 new 160,000-tonne AA plants
5. Recommends a final ordinary and special tax-exempt dividend of SGD 1 cent each per ordinary share
29 May 2009 SGD 0.008
10 Sep 2008 SGD 0.01
23 May 2008 SGD 0.0125$file/Sunvic_Q4_2010_results_announcement.pdf?openelement
Sunvic Chemical’s Strong Q4 2010 of RMB300.6 million
Boosts FY2010 Net Profit to Record RMB650.1million
1. Q4 2010 Revenue and Net profit surged to RMB910.3 million and RMB300.6 million due to continuous strong demand and higher ASP for AA & AE products
2. Strong Q4 2010 performance boosted FY2010 profit to a new high of RMB650.1 million on revenue of RMB3.4 billion
3. FY2010 overall Profit Margin reached 29.2% due to strong downstream demand growth
4. Focus now on sustaining growth with new upstream 1,000,000-tonne cracking plant and 2 new 160,000-tonne AA plants
5. Recommends a final ordinary and special tax-exempt dividend of SGD 1 cent each per ordinary share
29 May 2009 SGD 0.008
10 Sep 2008 SGD 0.01
23 May 2008 SGD 0.0125