【房】单身SC和父母购买resale HDB
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作者:Sissi (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:226) 发表:2017-05-20 21:35:53  49楼  评分: 
Appeal保留private property
1. 写信给hdbresale@mailbox.hdb.gov.sg 阐述自己写信的原因

2. HDB会回信索要更多信息(下附Annex)并要求填写一个表格

3. 准备资料, 提交信息(private property, 是要有买卖协议及产权证的, 如果你们家的房子没有, 我个人认为都谈不上是私有房产, 可以放心地讲自己没有)

4. 付费(是的还是要有处理appeal的手续费)

5. 面试(我当时是去hdb递交材料顺便缴费然后officer就顺便让我去面试一下. 其实就是核实资料, 我的材料多数都是中文的, officer说不用翻译她能看懂, 当然也是需要我去给她解释解释, 然后聊一聊为什么买啊, 来这里多少年了, 以后的人生规划啊...)

6. 等待 (期间受理我case的officer辞职了, 我还催了很久, 终于等到另一个officer接收我的case)

7. 7个月后终于拿到我的approval了, 十分感激.

P.S. 其实也可以一并appeal cpf grant 和 hdb loan

- 我觉得bank loan 利率低就放弃了hdb loan 这个首付低的选项;

- 我看cpf grant 在卖房子的时候还要连本带利还回去, 我也就没有appeal, 虽然hdb我是不准备卖的, 但是谁知道呢.



    your Identity Card;
    your Birth Certificate;
    your parents' long-term Social Visit Pass; (一个parent有就好)
    your parents' Marriage Certificate;
    your pay-slips for the last 3 months;
    your latest CPF Statements showing the:
        current available CPF balance in your Ordinary Account;
        CPF contribution history for the past 15 months;
    what is your occupation;
    Title Deeds;
    Sale and Purchase Agreements ;
    a recent valuation report prepared by a licensed Professional valuer;
    the details of the resale flat that you intend to buy (e.g. flat-type, location, estimated resale price, how are you financing the purchase of the resale flat, etc.  You only need to provide a general estimate.  Please do not commit to buy a resale flat while your appeal is pending consideration);
    please inform us whether you are also appealing for the CPF Housing Grant for Singles and / or HDB housing loan to finance your purchase of the resale flat;
    please complete the enclosed form (See attached file: scan docs 3.pdf) on the details of the private residential properties;
    please pay a processing fee of $52.50 for our evaluation of your appeal (you can make the payment personally if you are coming to HDB Hub to submit the documents to me or you may send a cashier's order to us by post to "Resale Office, Atrium 2nd Storey, HDB Hub, 480 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh, Singapore 310480", and attention the cashier's order to me); and
    any other documents to support your appeal
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