华新用户资料 -- panther
用户昵称 panther 性别 Male
真实姓名   出生年月
籍贯/出生地   所在学校 NUS 
发帖次数 136 在线时间 107.2小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 323
华新财富 419 华新币
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我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
i also use googling, however, if u dont trust english sites,  2004-09-18 18:01
e...........  2005-01-30 00:53
city link 出来右转, 过马路进marina square直走,  2005-01-04 09:49
4247是TEH HUNG CHUAN教了  2004-12-04 03:03
LIN DAN he is...sorry for the mistake.  2004-08-16 01:04
12:15 lost  2004-08-16 00:50
china one is LI DAN, world ranking 1st,  2004-08-16 00:46
是中国人的1200集体放国歌.有跟的么?最好是TH 的,  2003-09-30 23:49
帖子标题 花花 发表于
好像选源的时候可以让它自动 "search for best server",  2008-10-13 13:45
You may send your resume diretly to Leon  2008-08-14 17:40
Calling fresh grads, c++ programming job  2008-08-14 17:35
tks, solved, : )  2005-07-01 00:13
tks, tried all, then find out it's the LAN setting part at IE,  2005-07-01 00:13
...试了,也不成......:S  2005-06-30 10:59
...试了,也不成......:S  2005-06-30 10:59
using starhub MaxOnline, 1 modem connect to 4 way out router. PLEASE help  2005-06-30 09:17
cause he does not only have one gal,  2005-03-01 22:21
System Restore will take 10% storage of ur C drive  2005-02-16 23:33