华新用户资料 -- 悠然
用户昵称 悠然 性别 Female
真实姓名   出生年月 2005-01-04
籍贯/出生地   所在学校  
发帖次数 10 在线时间 3.6小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 205
华新财富 505 华新币
头像 签名档 Trust is the willingness to be vulnerable
if yes
a link
if no
我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
oh is it? But how come I heard only ppl who applied to technology are called  2005-01-15 15:52
Their interview hasn't started rite? or you have gone for interview already...  2005-01-14 12:16
think we are talking about different Oaktree  2005-01-14 11:58
Anyone heard about Oaktree Capital Management, any opinion on it?  2005-01-14 00:50
Can 前辈们 recommend some banks for employment?  2005-01-13 22:48
翡翠拉面小笼有酒酿圆子卖  2005-01-13 21:38
er, I am confused by the conversation  2005-01-11 02:15
请问烫过的头发要怎样护理,用什么护理品?  2005-01-06 22:05
向大家请教一下关于中国证券市场的问题  2005-01-06 21:49
去了。。。  2005-01-04 04:31