华新用户资料 -- newday
用户昵称 newday 性别
真实姓名   出生年月 2006-04-17
籍贯/出生地   所在学校  
发帖次数 118 在线时间 12.5小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 315
华新财富 471 华新币
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帖子标题 花花 发表于
第二次坠落  2006-03-31 20:55
哪位大侠知道SOC到底什么时候搬啊?  2006-06-24 00:32
A good movie to recommend: V for Vendetta  2006-03-31 17:28
尖叫:一个巨牛的招聘题(ZT)  2006-03-29 23:04
wah, in that case, what is the fastest way from MRT to SOC?  2006-04-21 12:20
Waston just cleared a batch of Whitia in Jan/Feb. 50% off.  2006-04-17 11:37
No cap.  2006-04-12 22:59
国内比较省钱。  2006-03-31 21:49
海外百感:不再犹豫徘徊 我为什么归去又回来(ZT)  2006-03-31 13:46
老美是很幽默的,那天看见一车屁股上写着一行大字,“I LOVE CAT” (ZT)  2006-03-29 23:14
帖子标题 花花 发表于
up!!  2008-10-06 10:34
haha  2008-10-03 15:00
Q3 figure is only showing those txn done 1-2 mths back.  2008-10-03 14:12
Yeah, u r correct. Better buy in Sg.  2008-10-03 13:46
Have to. Otherwise can only shop when I landed in Japan in end Dec.  2008-10-03 13:44
Thanks a million!!  2008-10-03 13:40
anyone been to japan in Dec?  2008-10-03 09:37
I meant to answer your question.  2008-10-02 18:05
Question: Tokyo trip in end of Dec, to buy winter clothes in Sg or Japan?  2008-10-02 18:01
check news: 100% protection != principle garanteed  2008-10-02 17:48