华新用户资料 -- 齐启棋
用户昵称 齐启棋 性别
真实姓名   出生年月
籍贯/出生地   所在学校  
发帖次数 610 在线时间 133.7小时
用户等级 4 - 马马虎虎 经验值 735
华新财富 1046 华新币
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我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
‘悟入棋途’5岁生日快乐, ......  2008-03-10 11:09
In actual fact, 30-minute game is quite difficult to predict, ......  2008-02-25 12:27
Results -- Players with 11 points or above in the Top 10 .....  2008-08-31 23:05
2008 Bishan Cup -- Some Photos .....  2008-03-12 23:47
List of 29 Winners .......  2008-03-03 00:25
抛砖引玉 ..........  2008-08-19 18:35
helping to put up the details of the 56 boards ......  2008-03-25 16:54
甘榜格南快棋赛 Award Winners .......  2008-03-10 12:15
The Full Ranking List for 第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 .....  2008-03-05 23:05
Results of 6-team friendly match at Pasir Ris East C.C. on 24 Feb 2008 ....  2008-02-24 19:41
帖子标题 花花 发表于
Sorry to hear that, ......  2008-10-01 18:33
seem like peanut was so 无聊 to talk about smallfry a few times in the past ....  2008-10-01 11:59
寻衅滋事的人是火影, 洛三儿 。。。。。  2008-10-01 10:28
This will depend whether SIXGA has the data and .....  2008-10-01 10:04
aiyah, I will not include you in 新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ....  2008-10-01 09:26
作文 on 悟入棋途 ........  2008-09-30 10:35
新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ........... (Part 3)  2008-09-29 19:13
I just want to share my observations here .....  2008-09-29 12:58
a check of the writers of last 12 or 13 days .......  2008-09-28 08:28
是的。。。 八卦一下。。。我的看法。。。一点意见。。。  2008-09-28 08:18