-1004/srv/www/huasing.net/de2e964c1b/lib/bbs/bbs.php:1855 她的妈妈不爱我 - 用户资料 - 华新
华新用户资料 -- 她的妈妈不爱我
用户昵称 她的妈妈不爱我 性别 Male
真实姓名 天涯  出生年月 1980-01-01
籍贯/出生地 哈尔滨  所在学校 NTU 
发帖次数 573 在线时间 82.8小时
用户等级 0 - 我是小白 经验值 48
华新财富 300 华新币
电子邮件 iamjerryliu@hotmail.com 
头像 签名档 To live as if you were to die tomorrow, to learn as if you were to live forever.
I have a dream...
one day, it will be realised...
if yes
a link
if no
我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
it really depends  2004-04-22 18:02
New work... : )  2004-02-25 22:38
haha....lab wu liao zhong....make some drawing...  2004-02-24 21:52
come in=>  2004-03-16 02:59
hehe...(z)  2004-02-28 09:53
check it out...what is American idiot...hehe  2004-02-09 23:25
帖子标题 花花 发表于
dreamweaver sometimes stupid ba...  2004-07-29 23:54
well, some pirated english version dun have asian language at all....  2004-07-27 23:43
是Java Media Framework ba....  2004-07-19 23:54
think most java book got this topic..just grab a book and have a look....  2004-07-18 22:53
向左向右那些都是骗人的赫赫  2004-07-18 22:29
haha...where is your sense of humor?  2004-07-09 22:43
you will finally find your goal of life...whit that life will never be meaningle  2004-07-09 22:41
haha....狂顶。。。。  2004-07-03 21:20
丹麦  2004-06-26 00:47