谢谢[张瑛 (11-7 10:52, Long long ago)]
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户口本复印件?“户口本”是只有中国才有的事物(请参考老罗语录),所以办签证应该不需要什么户口本吧。护照肯定需要的,他在新西兰可以证明身份的IC也会有用吧[Sunshine (11-7 10:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
(引用 Sunshine:户口本复印件?“户口本”是只有中国才有的事物(请参考老罗语录),所以办签证应该不需要什么户口本吧。护照肯定需要的,他在新西兰可以...)请看这里:http://app.ica.gov.sg/serv_visitor/entry_visa/visa_level1.asp
(B) Social Visit (visiting friends, relatives and for tourism)
Submission at ICA
Local contact's Singapore identity card (original & photocopy);
1 copy (original) of duly completed and signed Form V39A ;
A letter from the applicant’s employer granting leave of absence and stating how long the applicant has been employed, his/her designation and salary if he/she is employed; or
A copy of the household booklet if he/she is a PRC national and is unemployed. [张瑛 (11-7 11:07, Long long ago)]
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(引用 张瑛:请看这里:http://app.ica.gov.sg/serv_visitor/entry_visa/visa_level1.asp 这个link里,B款下的最后一条: (B) Social Visit (visitin...)长见识了,看来新加坡对中国的户籍制度很了解嘛。既然明文要,就给吧。[Sunshine (11-7 13:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼
(引用 张瑛:请看这里:http://app.ica.gov.sg/serv_visitor/entry_visa/visa_level1.asp
(B) Social Visit (visitin...)我没有户口。。。当初从学校里把户口取出来以后根本就没有去上回原籍。。。
怀念我的农村户口阿。。。。怀念怀念[小和尚花花 (11-8 1:10, Long long ago)]
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我朋友在新西兰留学,来新加坡玩了2个礼拜,旅游签证,没用过户口。。[帅温柔 (11-8 10:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼