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(引用 mrgary:感觉LZ成了万能顾问。。客户啥都问。。)回复网友..客户问题太多了 我整理整理应该可以出书了,十万个坡县为什么
反正我的经验是真的不多,问到了我也不能胡说八道 想着网友人多 看看有没有好的建议可以给他们的。专业的理财计划我可以做,别的方面我也怕自己不懂,说不准 给人家误导~
 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [taracheung (3-7 9:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]61楼

(引用 冰镇荔枝:新加坡离婚要很久的很多不定数啊。。男的人品这样敢相信吗   建议她考虑清楚吧 别傻 )说是很久。。。真的想离也是很快的这贴有解释。。身边有人就是这样异地2年不到就离了

[mrgary (3-7 9:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]62楼

(引用 mrgary:说是很久。。。真的想离也是很快的这贴有解释。。身边有人就是这样异地2年不到就离了 http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=108_125)异地两年不到算快的了吗已经 孩子十个月就出生了 现在离婚也不能在孩子出生之前搞完吧  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [taracheung (3-7 9:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]63楼

准确的信息,请看这里--法律LEGITIMACY ACT
(Original Enactment: Ordinance 20 of 1934)

(30th March 1987)
[西东南北风 (3-7 9:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]64楼

(引用 taracheung:这位网友实在太理智了不得不佩服你,建议很中肯 也很有建设性。我觉得妹子现在也有点慌 也是六神无主的感觉,她之前和我聊天的时候透露过...)另外lz你是做什么类型工作的呀 保险?我是做税务的 每次个税的时候也是超级多这种奇葩事情 私生子什么的不要太多 不过感情好的富豪也有  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [天天宝宝1122 (3-7 9:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]65楼

(引用 taracheung:回复网友..客户问题太多了 我整理整理应该可以出书了,十万个坡县为什么 主要是很多客户是中国人来新加坡做生意,有得的确有钱,有钱了就...)用客户的资料出书,是严重的不专业,没有职业道德的做法不要有这个想法[西东南北风 (3-7 9:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]66楼

(引用 西东南北风:用客户的资料出书,是严重的不专业,没有职业道德的做法不要有这个想法)只是随便说说不会的 我只是随便说说 而且我提问也没有透露客户任何信息  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [taracheung (3-7 9:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]67楼


Eligibility 里面最后一条:

Child born outside Singapore where at least one parent is a Singapore Citizen.

An overseas-born minor (child) may be eligible for Singapore Citizenship by Descent under Article 122(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore, if his/her parents meet any of the following conditions:

Male Singapore citizen by Birth who has a lawful marriage at time of minor's birth

Male Singapore citizen by Registration who has a lawful marriage at time of minor's birth and minor does not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that country

Female Singapore citizen by Birth and minor born on or after 15 May 2004

Female Singapore citizen by Registration and minor born on or after 15 May 2004. Minor shall not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that country

Male (who has a lawful marriage at time of minor's birth) or Female Singapore citizen by Descent has to declare their residence period in Singapore. The application can only be accepted if the parent fulfils the requirements stipulated in the Annex.


又看了birth cert登记的条件,本地生报出生证必需要有结婚证,这也是为何非婚生子申请坡籍的情况只适用于海外出生(得选不需要结婚证就能登记出生证的地方啊),父母一方是公民的孩子。感觉新加坡男人在海外有情人甚至私生子的情况应该不罕见...新加坡缺孩子,估计不会让他们流落海外。
 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [凡人 (3-7 9:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]68楼

(引用 taracheung:异地两年不到算快的了吗已经 孩子十个月就出生了 现在离婚也不能在孩子出生之前搞完吧)那个帖子的主贴有说明在新加坡离婚一般来说需要分居3年 或者 其他的条件。

[mrgary (3-7 9:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]69楼

(引用 凡人:去海外生可以申请坡籍,需爸爸签字,ICA网站就有答案申请新加坡国籍的条件第四条: Eligibility 里面最后一条: Child born outside S...)本来只是随便问问没想到这么多网友 热心解答 中国人还是很可爱的 我觉得这条建议我可以跟妹子说下 谢谢你啦  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [taracheung (3-7 9:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]70楼

(引用 taracheung:本来只是随便问问没想到这么多网友 热心解答 中国人还是很可爱的 我觉得这条建议我可以跟妹子说下 谢谢你啦)希望我的理解没错,具体等法律方面专家来回复  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [凡人 (3-7 9:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]71楼

一个案例A company director failed to convince the High Court that he should not have to help maintain an illegitimate child whom he fathered but never wanted.

The 53-year-old father of three, whose extramarital tryst with a sales director in the same company led to the child's birth, argued that he had disowned his offspring and should not be treated as a parent as he had no contact with the child.

But Senior Judge Kan Ting Chiu made it clear that, under the Women's Charter, the father had a duty as a parent to support the child. "To paraphrase the provision, a parent has a duty to maintain his or her children, whether they are legitimate or illegitimate," the judge said in judgment grounds released yesterday.

Lawyers said the case underlined the law on a putative father's obligations for maintenance and rules that intention is irrelevant, even if the child was begotten from a one-sided affair or a brief encounter, such as in a brothel.

The company director had claimed that his relationship with the woman had been purely sexual and that he had been outfoxed by her, as she sought to beget a child by him.

She countered that their relationship had been based on mutual affection and consent and that she loved him.

The man's lawyer, Mr Koh Tien Hua, argued in the High Court that common law and other statutes, such as the Constitution, treat the mother as the parent of an illegitimate child.

But the woman's lawyer, Ms Leong Pek Gan, referred the court to the Women's Charter.

The judge held that the Women's Charter "clearly contemplates" a man being regarded as a parent of an illegitimate child as well. He ruled that both parents were obliged to pay for the upkeep of the child and they should bear the financial burden equally.

"The norm should not be that parents contribute in proportion to their means because that will place unequal burdens on them for no good reason."

The judge found that although the woman earned a lower monthly salary of $5,200 compared with the man's monthly income of $14,075, there was no evidence she was unable to pay half the monthly $1,440 maintenance for the three-year-old boy.

To this end, he reduced the monthly sum to be paid by the father from $1,050 - set by a district judge in 2013 - to $720.

The 41-year-old woman is a divorcee with a five-year-old daughter and worked in the firm where the man owns a majority stake.

"I have never wanted this child and I didn't even plan for this," said the man in his testimony.
[西东南北风 (3-7 9:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]72楼

(引用 taracheung:回复热心网友这个建议很中肯 但是我不知道应该不应该这样和客户实话实说 毕竟应该是已经怀孕了 才问到这些 难道劝她考虑流产?)我来说下我的意见吧告诉你客户,国内那种小三以生子要挟男人和原配离婚的手段在新加坡玩不转的,国情不一样。新加坡离婚老困难了。  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [中级民工 (3-7 9:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]73楼

(引用 中级民工:我来说下我的意见吧告诉你客户,国内那种小三以生子要挟男人和原配离婚的手段在新加坡玩不转的,国情不一样。新加坡离婚老困难了。)孩子爸爸本身就想离婚好像不是这个女的怀孕威胁,我听她的意思是男方本身就想离婚 但是应该怕是在小孩出生之前不能办理完离婚手续 应该没这么快 我也不敢乱出主意 毕竟小孩也是一条命  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [taracheung (3-7 9:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]74楼

一个例子Q: Anyone know how can my child be a SC/PR if i not marriage to the child mother?
I am a Singaporean,mother of the child is from Vietnam..

A: If the child's parents are listed, e.g., you name is on the Birth Certificate, (whether you are/were married to the woman or not) and the child was born in Singapore, then the child is Singaporean by birth. Full Stop. If it's a boy, then the boy is liable for NS as well, just like any other citizen. If the birth was not registered in the mother's home country, then the child will not be allowed to stay there with the mother, should she split and leave the child with the father (It does happen).

各位大侠,感情规感情, 感觉规感觉,原则是原则,法律是法律. 一个基本点就是: 婚生和非婚生的孩子, 有相同的法律地位和权利, 不应由其父母的主观原因受到影响. 可以惩罚父或母, 但不是惩罚孩子.
[西东南北风 (3-7 9:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]75楼

(引用 凡人:去海外生可以申请坡籍,需爸爸签字,ICA网站就有答案申请新加坡国籍的条件第四条: Eligibility 里面最后一条: Child born outside S...)亲身体会, 我的孩子们报生时, 没有一个看了结婚证的本地生, 本地报生, 只看双方的IC --那是10多年前了[西东南北风 (3-7 9:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]76楼

(引用 天天宝宝1122:另外lz你是做什么类型工作的呀 保险?我是做税务的 每次个税的时候也是超级多这种奇葩事情 私生子什么的不要太多 不过感情好的富豪也有)保险我是做保险 AIA, 富豪和原配感情有问题 想离婚 跟这个未婚妈妈关系不大,但是也不能说没有 我觉得三个人都有问题。现在反正当务之急是解决小孩的问题 毕竟肚子会越来越大吧  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [taracheung (3-7 9:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]77楼

(引用 taracheung:孩子爸爸本身就想离婚好像不是这个女的怀孕威胁,我听她的意思是男方本身就想离婚 但是应该怕是在小孩出生之前不能办理完离婚手续 应该没...)感觉楼主考虑的太多了这种情况不用给她出主意啊,把资料整理好了交给她让她自己斟酌就可以了
[路易十三 (3-7 9:47, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]78楼

可以让男方加入MSL ,妹子就可以做二房了。[格布 (3-7 9:47, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]79楼

(引用 西东南北风:亲身体会, 我的孩子们报生时, 没有一个看了结婚证的本地生, 本地报生, 只看双方的IC --那是10多年前了)现在都要看结婚证的起码我们是~[小馋牛 (3-7 9:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]80楼

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