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to pacificsun------about oracle problem
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to pacificsun------about oracle problemThank you so much.
I have reconfigure my tnsname.ora,and it is ok.
you are really expert .

我还想问的是在window ,service ,start my oracle<sid>service,和
用startup pfile="....."是不是再干同一件事
因为上学期我是在学校的机器上use oracle,everytime I just telnet the host , connect to as internal, then startup an instance,

but now I install an oracle in my own machine,so I wonder if the manulely starting the service is equal to use that statement"startup pfile=.....".
[惹兰红山 (2-20 17:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

So far as i know, i don't think sostartup pfile="..........\pfile\init.ora"

而在windows service 里启动的是OMS(oracle management service).OMS是在你建立database 后要进一步管理(在oracle console下,进行比如对users, groups, events, preferred credentials, 甚至submit report)操作时是非启动不可的。



[pacificsun (2-20 22:00, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

After considering again, it seems thatthey are the same. The SID service is exactly the Database service.
what i meant in the previous post was that database service differs a lot from OMS service.
therefore u can get confirmed by yourself. If got any conceptual problem, please post it up.
[pacificsun (2-21 8:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

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