Anyone encounters problem when reading sina news?Recently, I can't read Sina news using IE. I am in SOC. All other websites are fine.
The error message is:
Gateway Timeout
The following error occurred:
A DNS lookup error occurred. The request timed out during the lookup.
Sometimes, it gives me: TCP/IP error. Server cannot connect, or something like that.
Any advice?
[MirthWorks (5-22 10:44, Long long ago)]
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Network Jam最近新浪新闻的访问量很大,从国外经常都连不上的。[南岳之麓 (5-22 11:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
(引用 南岳之麓:Network Jam最近新浪新闻的访问量很大,从国外经常都连不上的。)but i can access at home without any problem, scvcable.
[MirthWorks (5-22 13:24, Long long ago)]
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