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几个关于自费攻读国大硕士生的问题!!我想读国大的硕士研究生,但是自己的本科背景是国际贸易,那么我基本上就只能选择文科或者商科的专业来申请了,但是这样的申请一般是没有奖学金的。因此我想问以下几个问题,希望大家解答。这些问题很多网站已经给出了答案,但是有写答案很模糊,所以我希望能够听到过来人的答案。 1,我如果读贸易,经济,金融类的专业要的是不是GRE成绩?而读管理类专业的话要的是GMAT成绩,是吗? 2,如果我自费读国大研究生的话,我每年要向学校交多少学费?除了学费,还有什么其他大额费用需要交学校吗? 3,硕士生第一年是自己找房子住,还是住在学校的宿舍里面?住在学校里面要花多少钱/年?租房子住的话要花多少钱/年? 4,大家在没有奖学金的情况下,一般一年总共花多少钱啊? 谢啦。。 [雨中人 (7-16 9:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

Well, not exactly.For NUS business school program, MBA there might not be schlorship, but if you apply for Msc of PhD in business school, as a full time research student, you will have a scholarship of 1500/month plus tuition fee waived.

While MBA requires GMAT, Msc/Phd requires GRE or GMAT.

Course fee please refer to this webpage

Master student may stay in Gillmen Heights, but it is about 20 min to take a bus to school, the fee is ard 300/month for a bed in double room. If you come with your wife, you can apply for GSA for about 700/month. You can stay outside for around 400/month for a single room or around 300/month for a double.

Rounds up all expenditure, it may cost S$7000-9000/year
[大象 (7-16 12:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 大象:Well, not exactly.For NUS business school program, MBA there might not be schlorship, but if you apply for Msc of PhD in busines...)补充几句!For NUS business school program, MBA there might not be schlorship, but if you apply for Msc of PhD in business school, as a full time research student, you will have a scholarship of 1500/month plus tuition fee waived.

While MBA requires GMAT, Msc/Phd requires GRE or GMAT.

Course fee please refer to this webpage

Master student may stay in Gillmen Heights, but it is about 20 min to take a bus to school, the fee is ard 300/month for a bed in double room. If you come with your wife, you can apply for GSA for about 700/month. You can stay outside for around 400/month for a single room or around 300/month for a double.

Rounds up all expenditure, it may cost S$7000-9000/year
[TPMT (7-16 14:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

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