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请问关于ntu master的问题,谢谢
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请问关于ntu master的问题,谢谢请问一下,course work master 和 research master 有什么不同呢?

是不是从今年开始申请ntu的research master 就不再有奖学金了? 除非你做research student然后读phd? 但course work master 仍然有?


[Ah_Mu (9-5 1:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

Think i gonna explain again......about master


totally learn for master degree by taking various courses,
or spend a substantial amount of time on learning plus a small project.

normal duration: 1yr, 1.5yr, (parttime 3yr)

reserch master:

most time you will be carrrying on your own reaserch work under supervision of one/two staff.

you still need to take some "enrichment" subjects , usually 4 suject in total.

normal duration : 1-2yr

as for admission&scholarship:

what i know from many staff of CE/EEE, NTU


most coursework dun hv scholarship for international students except PMP(postgrad manpower program)
it is 1 yr M.Sc program.


Almost impossible to get a scholarship now if you only apply to a project leading to master degree.

and if you decide apply for Ph.D first then later down-grade to master, then you will only receive scholarship for 1st year.
the 2nd yr master study is on your own.


NUS: i am not sure, but guess similar situation.


Last words .........

Now singapore is not a easy place for apply already,

more and more PRC students graduate from local students and eager to go for postgrad study.

and both NTU &NUS intook a lot PRC students in past 3 yrs so they are going to maintain a "culture diversity" by reducing percentage of PRC students.

eventually, they set such a piority for admission:

1> singaporean, PR
2> graduates from NTU/NUS
3> international students

so dun be choosy otherwise sure lost the chance.


in any case, singapore is still the cheapest place for postgrad study,

annual reserch fee is only abt US$2500
compare to Aus. US$15000
US. US$20000+

[QQyu (9-5 10:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 QQyu:Think i gonna explain again......about master coursework: totally learn for master degree by taking various courses, or spend...)thx a lot, bradmaybe i will call u in a few days, can? [Ah_Mu (9-5 12:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 Ah_Mu:thx a lot, bradmaybe i will call u in a few days, can? )okay, perferrably call me at night : )[QQyu (9-5 12:59, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

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