有什么途径可以为父母申请长期访问签证(LTSVP)而本人又不必是PR?需要什么手续,最长能呆多久才需要到移民局续签一次呢?谢谢![懒猪 (1-11 18:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
这个很难吧因为父母亲的LTSVP是和PR本身的status捆绑在一起的[燕归来 (1-11 22:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
(引用 燕归来:这个很难吧因为父母亲的LTSVP是和PR本身的status捆绑在一起的)也有其他的LTSVP类别具体参考这个 http://app.ica.gov.sg/serv_visitor/social_visit/application_types.asp
Social Visitor Seeking Employment In Singapore
* A copy (original) of duly completed Form 14, Form V39 (Form V39 is only for non-Malaysians). Every applicant (including children) has to complete a set of these forms. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. Download may take a while;
* One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black & white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14;
* Applicant's highest educational certificate (original and photocopy);
* Applicant's valid travel document;
* Sponsor's identity card.
Technopreneur/Entrepreneur Scheme*
* A copy (original) of duly completed Form 14, Form V39 (Form V39 is only for non-Malaysians). Every applicant (including children) has to complete a set of these forms. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. Download may take a while;
* One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black & white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14;
* A letter of support from the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB);
* Applicant's valid travel document;
* Sponsor's identity card.
Note: You may visit the EDB website: for more information on the Technopreneur/Entrepreneur Scheme.
Female Social Visitor Whose Child/Grandchild Is Studying in Singapore On A Student's Pass
* A copy (original) of duly completed Form 14, Form V39 (Form V39 is only for non-Malaysians). Every applicant (including children) has to complete a set of these forms. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. Download may take a while;
* One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black & white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14;
* If applicant is the grandmother: Grandchild's and grandchild's parent's birth certificates (original and photocopy), grandchild's passport, Student's Pass card and Disembarkation/Embarkation card;
* If applicant is the mother: Child's birth certificate (original and photocopy), passport, Student's Pass card and Disembarkation/Embarkation card;
* Applicant's marriage certificate (original and photocopy);
* Applicant's valid travel document;
* Sponsor's identity card.
Note: The purpose in issuing the Social Visit Passes is for the mothers/grandmothers to accompany and look after their child(ren)/grandchild(ren) studying here. If the mother is granted the permission to remain in Singapore with the child, then the grandmother will not be eligible for the pass and vice versa.
Social Visitor Whose Spouse Is A Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
* A copy (original) of duly completed Form 14, Form V39 (Form V39 is only for non-Malaysians). Every applicant (including children) has to complete a set of these forms. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. Download may take a while;
* One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black & white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14;
* Applicant's marriage certificate (original and photocopy);
* If applicant is the wife of SC/SPR, a copy (original) of duly completed Form V107 and a letter from a registered doctor stating applicant's expected date of delivery if applicant is pregnant;
* Children's birth certificates, if any;
* Sponsor's identity card;
* Sponsor's and applicant's highest educational certificate;
* Sponsor's letter of employment stating date of commencement, designation and salary per month (for self-employed: sponsor's valid Registration Certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and Company's Profit & Loss Statement for the last 12 months);
* Sponsor's Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the last 3 years;
* Sponsor's CPF Statement showing monthly CPF contribution for the last 12 months;
(The original and photocopies of the above documents are required.)
* Applicant's valid travel document.
Note: Application must be sponsored by the spouse.
Social Visitor (below 21 years old) Whose Parent Is A Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
* A copy (original) of duly completed Form 14, Form V39 (Form V39 is only for non-Malaysians). Every applicant (including children) has to complete a set of these forms. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. Download may take a while;
* One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black & white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14;
* Applicant's birth certificate;
* Sponsor's marriage certificate; if the sponsor is divorced, the sponsor's divorce certificate and custody paper; if the sponsor is widowed, the spouse's death certificate;
* Parents' identity cards;
* If only one of the parents is a SC/SPR:
o Sponsor's Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the last 3 years;
o Sponsor's CPF Statement showing monthly CPF contribution for the last 12 months;
o Sponsor's letter of employment stating date of commencement, designation and salary per month (for self-employed: sponsor's valid Registration Certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA);
o Sponsor's highest educational certificate;
(The original and photocopies of the above documents are required.)
* Applicant's valid travel document.
Note: Applicable only for applicant below 21 years old. Application must be sponsored by the parent.
Social Visitor Whose Child (above the age of 21 years old) Is A Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
* A copy (original) of duly completed Form 14, Form V39 (Form V39 is only for non-Malaysians). Every applicant (including children) has to complete a set of these forms. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. Download may take a while;
* One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black & white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14;
* Sponsor's birth certificate (original and photocopy);
* Sponsor's identity card (original and photocopy);
* Applicant's valid travel document.
* Sponsor's and applicant's highest educational certificate (original and photocopy);
* Sponsor's letter of employment stating date of commencement, designation and salary per month (for self-employed: sponsor's valid Registration Certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and Company's Profit & Loss Statement for the last 12 months);
* Sponsor's Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the last 3 years (original and photocopy);
* Sponsor's CPF Statement showing monthly CPF contribution for the last 12 months;
(The original and photocopies of the above documents are required)
Note: Application must be sponsored by the child above the age of 21 years old.
Social Visitor Seeking Permission To Deliver A Child In Singapore
* A copy (original) of duly completed Form 14, Form V39 (Form V39 is only for non-Malaysians). Every applicant (including children) has to complete a set of these forms. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. Download may take a while;
* One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black & white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14;
* Applicant's marriage certificate (original and photocopy);
* A letter from a registered doctor stating applicant's expected date of delivery and whether there is any complication to the pregnancy;
* A letter from the Embassy or High Commission of applicant's country stating that her newborn child will follow the parent's nationality and a valid travel document of that country will be issued to the newborn child;
* Applicant's valid travel document;
* Sponsor's identity card.
Note: If the application is approved, a security deposit of between S$1000 to S$3000 may be required. The payment for the security deposit may be in the form of NETS or Cashier's Order. A duly completed Interbank Giro form is required to be submitted for refunding purpose. The security deposit will be refunded after it has been confirmed that both the mother and child have left Singapore and there is no breach of any of the conditions stated in the security bond.
[燕归来 (1-11 22:45, Long long ago)]
[ 传统版 |
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找个PR作担保就好了。[panpo2 (1-11 23:00, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼
(引用 panpo2:找个PR作担保就好了。)PR担保最长能呆多久才需要到移民局续签呢?如果只有一个月左右,现在国内有好几个城市都能拿到两年多次往返、每次14-30天的签证了。但是想让父母起码住上3、4个月,又觉得每个月去续签太麻烦了。请大家帮忙想办法。[懒猪 (1-11 23:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
under EP 的话,是人力部管的[fluorine (1-12 23:27, Long long ago)]
[ 传统版 |
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(引用 fluorine:听说过一种看你得EP是什么样的,据说Q2可以 under EP 的话,是人力部管的)p1、票[燕归来 (1-13 20:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼
(引用 fluorine:听说过一种看你得EP是什么样的,据说Q2可以
under EP 的话,是人力部管的)Employment Pass(p1、p2)的可以申请An Employment Pass (P1, P2) holder may apply for Long-Term Social Visit Passes for his / her Parents
http://www.mom.gov.sg/ProceduresAndGuidelines/EmploymentPass/EmploymentPassProcedures/Long-TermSocialVisitPass%28LTSVP%29.htm[燕归来 (1-13 20:20, Long long ago)]
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