买房子需贷款,请问哪家银行比较好,DBS,UOB,OCBC?谢谢![nanoparticle (3-7 11:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
try maybank最近看到了maybank的一个package, 觉得还不错
Maybank is launching the lowest 3-year fixed rate home loan package in town, which offers an attractive interest rate of 1.68 % p.a. for the first year. This first year interest rate is more than 40% lower compared to other similar packages offered in the industry. The interest rates for the second and third years are 2.68% p.a. and 3.38% p.a. respectively.
我自己家的是ocbc的,3.25% for first yr and 3.5% for 2nd yr and thereafter, 是去年的, 比较贵了, 不合算
[cuier (3-7 13:43, Long long ago)]
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(引用 cuier:try maybank最近看到了maybank的一个package, 觉得还不错 Maybank is launching the lowest 3-year fixed rate home loan package in to...)this rate is apply for 300K loan... PR seldom take such loan for HDB[niubee (3-7 14:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼
(引用 niubee:this rate is apply for 300K loan... PR seldom take such loan for HDB)PR cannot bah...[西蜀霸王 (3-7 14:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼
(引用 cuier:try maybank最近看到了maybank的一个package, 觉得还不错
Maybank is launching the lowest 3-year fixed rate home loan package in to...)Do you need somebody to sign the guarantee when taking HDB loan?I was pondering this question but never get answer..
[freed0m (3-7 15:19, Long long ago)]
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(引用 freed0m:Do you need somebody to sign the guarantee when taking HDB loan?I was pondering this question but never get answer.. )guarantee is the HOUSE.[panpo2 (3-7 21:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼
Hong Leong Finance
Standard Chartered
google一下,他们的号码应该都有的[猫科动物 (3-8 0:06, Long long ago)]
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(引用 panpo2:guarantee is the HOUSE.)so the banks treat the house as collaterals..And buyer don't need to ask frn/relatives as guarantees?
That's nice..
[freed0m (3-11 9:20, Long long ago)]
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