男生跟随PR老婆拿到dependent PR要服兵役我是新加坡PR,老公刚从国内过来在NUS读PHD,想给他申请dependent PR.但是听说这样拿到的就要服兵役.
这是写信给ICA, NS相关部门的官方回答,但是好像讲的也不是很确定,特别是第三段,好像感觉是case by case的样子.
National Service Liability:
Under the Enlistment Act Cap 93, all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are liable for National Service (NS) upon reaching 16 years old.
Main applicants who are granted SPR status under the first generation Professionals/Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers (PTS) Scheme or the Investor Scheme are exempted from NS. Male children who are granted SPR status under their parents' application are liable for NS upon reaching 16 years old.
A notification letter for NS registration will be sent to the applicants who obtained SPR status. He is required to go through the NS registration process. At the end of the registration, the system will reflect a confirmation webpage of his National Service eligibility.
If you need further assistance, please visit the NS Portal at http://www.ns.sg or contact the NS Call Centre at 1800-3676767. If you are calling from overseas, please dial +65 6567 6767.
We look forward to serving you better.
With regards,
Customer Service Specialist
NS Call Centre[qiuqiunus (8-26 20:10, Long long ago)]
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有没有人亲自经历或者身边的朋友经历的,而不是听说的,分享一下经验吧?谢谢大家[qiuqiunus (8-26 20:15, Long long ago)]
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(引用 qiuqiunus:补充原来在房产车市版发了,但是好像发在这个版更对一些。
有人说是不用服的,只是填个表。在这个版看到很多类似的疑问。不知道大家都申...)需要的。Dependent PR算是第二代PR,因此如果男生申请Depedent PR,就需要当兵。
如果男生自己给自己申请PR, 那么是第一代PR,就不用当兵。
[materialist (8-27 17:12, Long long ago)]
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要的,我一个朋友老公去美国前两天拿到dependent pr然后发现出不了国了,,因为他是第二代pr,要服兵役,出国要提前一两个星期跟什么政府部门申请。
然后他们极度郁闷的冲去ica cancel了pr,不过因为这样连学生签证都没了,后来回来答辩的时候还要整social visit。
建议男生不要搞dependent pr[印象派 (9-1 11:52, Long long ago)]
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(引用 印象派:要的,我一个朋友老公去美国前两天拿到dependent pr然后发现出不了国了,,因为他是第二代pr,要服兵役,出国要提前一两个星期跟什么政府...)谢谢[qiuqiunus (9-2 12:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
不需要,因为你不是他妈[太阳黑子 (9-2 12:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼