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(引用 棋人生:Existing Grades of 21 players, forgive me if I have the wrong information ....象棋大师 许 信 黄俊铭 康德荣 甲级棋士 杨高正 ...)If this are the Final players ....and this systemi predict will have at least 2 to 3 new Jia Ji this years.
Cos only 11 of them belong to a div.

With new system , it need more luck than skill...
[网络蚂蚁 (6-7 23:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]221楼

(引用 胡耀宇:我会升,可惜忘记报名)胡耀宇 is chinese chess or Wei qi player ?or both of them are outstanding ?[网络蚂蚁 (6-7 23:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]222楼

(引用 棋人生:Existing Grades of 21 players, forgive me if I have the wrong information ....象棋大师 许 信 黄俊铭 康德荣 甲级棋士 杨高正 ...)Maximum 1 or 2 Grade 2 to Grade 1 if using the list of 26 names ??!![棋人生 (6-7 23:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]223楼

(引用 胡耀宇:100%不是洪腓利文礼好像有对兄弟,是双胞胎吗?新加坡洪姓棋手蛮多的,洪天瑞,洪培荣,洪腓利,洪顺利,洪黛欢,洪泉发,,,)洪门棋手还有洪安豪还有补充的没有?[胡耀宇 (6-7 23:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]224楼

(引用 棋人生:not top 8, ....None of the 洪 can get top 8, bottom 8 likely ....)Only refer to the 3 Hong in the List of 26 names for 2007 Group A ....[棋人生 (6-7 23:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]225楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:胡耀宇 is chinese chess or Wei qi player ?or both of them are outstanding ?)胡耀宇是中国围棋排名第三的棋手,他有个弟弟现在在新加坡,不过是下象棋的,曾经拿过珠江三角洲青少年象棋比赛季军,哈哈.明白了吗?[胡耀宇 (6-7 23:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]226楼

(引用 几度:有机会前六。)Not easy for Fan , Agree with 胡耀宇 mentionedstamina is another problem[网络蚂蚁 (6-7 23:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]227楼

(引用 棋人生:Tentatively, 9 rounds for up to 26 names, ...... likely last posting for Group AI heard that SIXGA website will have daily repor...)My prediction base on the "A" List ( Put into Grade)象棋大师

许 信 >>>2-3
康德荣 >>>1
黄俊铭 >>>1


胡海宇 >>>2
朱永吉 >>>2
王英再 >>>3
杨高正 >>>3
邱冠杰 >>>2-3
刘郁兴 >>>3
卢国龙 >>>2-3
刘剑慧 >>>3
倪福良 >>>2-3
洪天瑞 >>>4
黄毅鸿 >>>2-3


朱国忠 >>>4
曹子航 >>>5
范永康 >>>3-4
郑木兴 >>>4
陈福全 >>>3-4
黄荣岳 >>>4
刘再成 >>>5
陈来兴 >>>3-4
洪腓利 >>>4
吴宗翰 >>>1-2
柳国斌 >>>4
洪泉发 >>>5
[网络蚂蚁 (6-7 23:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]228楼

(引用 卷心菜:是啊,进前4靠的是拼命水平接近就看谁敢打敢拼了。 当然实力还是最重要。 当年俺和罗秉篆同样在个人赛B组上每盘搏杀没有一盘和棋,可人...)罗秉篆棋也老了老罗算是新加坡唯一职业棋手,这两年棋力退化,以前我碰见他就哆索,没法下.[胡耀宇 (6-7 23:59, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]229楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:My prediction base on the "A" List ( Put into Grade)象棋大师 许 信 >>>2-3 康德荣 >>>1 黄俊铭 >>>1 甲级棋士 胡海宇 >>...)Regrouping of Mr 网络蚂蚁's Prediction
I have regrouped it with the groupings :

1 to 3 -- first 10
3 to 4 -- next 7
4 to 5 -- last 9

For Group B, I have 6 out of 10 in Top 8.

For Group A, will see how many of Mr 网络蚂蚁's first 10 in the Top 8. Please follow the event closely (SIXGA's website until 21 Jun 2007).


康德荣 >>>1
黄俊铭 >>>1
吴宗翰 >>>1-2
胡海宇 >>>2
朱永吉 >>>2
许 信 >>>2-3
邱冠杰 >>>2-3
卢国龙 >>>2-3
倪福良 >>>2-3
黄毅鸿 >>>2-3
王英再 >>>3
杨高正 >>>3
刘郁兴 >>>3
刘剑慧 >>>3
范永康 >>>3-4
陈福全 >>>3-4
陈来兴 >>>3-4
洪天瑞 >>>4
朱国忠 >>>4
郑木兴 >>>4
黄荣岳 >>>4
洪腓利 >>>4
柳国斌 >>>4
曹子航 >>>5
刘再成 >>>5
洪泉发 >>>5

[棋人生 (6-8 0:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]230楼

(引用 棋人生:Regrouping of Mr 网络蚂蚁's Prediction I have regrouped it with the groupings : 1 to 3 -- first 10 3 to 4 -- next 7 4 to 5 -- l...)After predicting 冠军 to be 黄俊铭I have predicted 洪泉发大哥 to be 2nd

胡海宇 3rd
康德荣 4th
卢国龙 5th
吴宗翰 6th,升甲成功
范永康 7th
杨高正 8th(杨 is currently 甲 or 乙???)
倪福良 9th
陈来兴 10th,升甲成功!

let's see.
[卷心菜 (6-8 1:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]231楼

(引用 几度:My viewsIn order to maintain the population and in order not to harm the enthusiasm of many players (particularly those playing ...)Provided your views to SIXGA's President yesterday noon time, so, .....
You are in 2007 Group A List ?
[棋人生 (6-8 1:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]232楼

(引用 棋人生:1赔?)不是一赔一顿好料么?[卷心菜 (6-8 1:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]233楼

(引用 卷心菜:After predicting 冠军 to be 黄俊铭I have predicted 洪泉发大哥 to be 2nd 胡海宇 3rd 康德荣 4th 卢国龙 5th 吴宗翰 6th,升甲成功 ...)In 2007 Group A List, these 8 promoted in 2005 to 2007 ....



升为甲级 8 邱冠杰


13 黄荣岳
18 洪泉发
19 柳国斌

National Open Championship 2006
Final Standings

升为甲级 4 杨高正


11 郑木兴

[棋人生 (6-8 1:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]234楼

(引用 卷心菜:不是一赔一顿好料么?)To eat first ......From the predictions of Mr 网络蚂蚁 and regarding the three 洪, 菜大哥 do not need to wait.


From 卷心菜 :

I have predicted 洪泉发大哥 to be 2nd
[棋人生 (6-8 7:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]235楼

(引用 胡耀宇:洪门棋手还有洪安豪还有补充的没有?)还有Ryan Ang。网上下过,比熊国伟还凶。听说无级无队。强甲水平。但从不下比赛。[火云邪神 (6-8 9:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]236楼

(引用 棋人生:Tentatively, 9 rounds for up to 26 names, ...... likely last posting for Group AI heard that SIXGA website will have daily repor...)好久没见朱国忠了。朱先生样子就长得让人信任,人品实在也是挺好的。[几度 (6-8 19:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]237楼

(引用 胡耀宇:罗秉篆棋也老了老罗算是新加坡唯一职业棋手,这两年棋力退化,以前我碰见他就哆索,没法下.)新加坡有职业棋手?[火云邪神 (6-8 21:38, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]238楼

(引用 几度:好久没见朱国忠了。朱先生样子就长得让人信任,人品实在也是挺好的。)朱国忠跟黄志龙很像对啊,笑容再多点就更令人放心[胡耀宇 (6-8 23:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]239楼

(引用 卷心菜:After predicting 冠军 to be 黄俊铭I have predicted 洪泉发大哥 to be 2nd 胡海宇 3rd 康德荣 4th 卢国龙 5th 吴宗翰 6th,升甲成功 ...)洪泉发大哥 2nd , very funny prediction !!you must have tips :>[网络蚂蚁 (6-8 23:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]240楼

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