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(引用 几度:胡海宇对朱永吉漏着失子。 ...)明显不在状态啊,冠军概率少了20%[棋仙 (6-12 9:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]301楼

(引用 棋仙:胡海宇力挫特级大师,范永康再败于陈福全黄俊铭刻意求变,范永康整盘没机会,)棋仙 !!! Really know to 仙Esle why you said 胡海宇败于陈福全 ??[网络蚂蚁 (6-12 9:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]302楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:棋仙 !!! Really know to 仙Esle why you said 胡海宇败于陈福全 ??)你华语好差啊,这也理解错?怎么会理解成胡海宇败于陈福全?[棋仙 (6-12 12:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]303楼

Preliminary Analysis after Round 3
Three Grade 2 players (*) above par and three Grade 1 & above players (@@) below par with only 27 players continue from Round 2.

Good to observe what happen in the coming three rounds before the last three rounds.

The coming three rounds should be more interesting than the last three rounds, I guess.

Those with 2 points are having much better chance to fight for the top 4 .... four 象棋大师 are still in the race.


The Standings after Round 3 from Boon Lay C.C. Chinese Chess Club


1-2 Total 3 points

Choo Yong Kiat, 朱永吉
Nga Hock Leong, 倪福良

3-4 Total 2.5 points

Tay Siang Hock, 郑祥福 (象棋大师)
Law Kok Leong, 卢国龙

5-13 Total 2 points

Hu Hai Yu, 胡海宇
Alvin Woo, 吴宗翰 (Grade 2)(*)
Ng Jun Ming, 黄俊铭 (象棋大师)
Kng Ter Yong, 康德荣 (象棋大师)
Ang Ten Swee, 洪天瑞
Ong Eng Chye, 王英再
Lew Guo Bin, 柳国斌 (Grade 2)(*)
Koh Sin, 许信 (象棋大师)
Yeo Gau Jeng, 杨高正

14-16 Total 1.5 points

Khoo Guan Jie, 邱冠杰
Lew York Hin, 刘郁兴
Choo Kok Tong, 朱国忠 (Grade 2)(*)

17-23 Total 1 point

Ng Eugene, 黄荣岳
Chan Fock Chuen, 陈福全
Tay Bok Heng, 郑木兴
Ng Yee Hong, 黄毅鸿 (Grade 1)(@@)
Fan Wing Hong, 范永康 (bye in Round 3)
Low Hui Hui, 刘剑慧 (Grade 1)(@@)
Ang Phillip, 洪腓利

24-26 Total 0.5 point

Tan Lai Heng, 陈来兴
Mok Mun Yew, 莫文耀 (withdrawn after Round 1) (象棋大师)(@@)
Law Chay Seng, 刘再成

27-28 Total 0 point

Cao Zi Hang, 曹子航
Ang Chuan Huat, 洪泉发 (should have bye in Round 4)
[棋人生 (6-12 14:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]304楼

(引用 棋人生:Preliminary Analysis after Round 3 Three Grade 2 players (*) above par and three Grade 1 & above players (@@) below par with onl...)目前发挥最好的:朱永吉,倪福良,吴宗翰,柳国斌其他人要加油啊.黄俊铭,胡海宇,康德荣.[卷心菜 (6-12 16:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]305楼

(引用 几度:胡海宇对朱永吉漏着失子。 ...)胡海宇对朱永吉 GameStep 13 , C9+4 seem to fast .Is trying to win "Bing" but ended "Che" slow and not "offensve" , Should condsider H2+3 and then C2+2 should prolong the game

Till step 28 , not sure how 胡海宇 feel , still red better ?
I don't think so...only win "Bing" but defensive ordie.
[网络蚂蚁 (6-12 18:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]306楼

谁有第三轮卢国龙对郑祥福的全局记录?可以帖出来吗?这一局我只看了后半盘,双方攻守下出了很高的水平。[几度 (6-12 19:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]307楼

(引用 几度:谁有第三轮卢国龙对郑祥福的全局记录?可以帖出来吗?这一局我只看了后半盘,双方攻守下出了很高的水平。)卢国龙对郑祥福的half 局 !!Someone SMS me till here ..

R1.2 P3+1
C8.9,H3-5 ...Then you think lao yao good ??!!!
[网络蚂蚁 (6-12 19:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]308楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:卢国龙对郑祥福的half 局 !!Someone SMS me till here .. c7+1,C2.3 c2.5,c8.5 h2+3,P3+1 R1.2 P3+1 H8+9,P3.4 R2+4,P4+1 D6+5,R9+1 R2....)卢国荣下得好软,敢敢吃马再下士,应该是赢的棋.让老妖的马死在那里,自己的车暗了很多,似乎亏了很多步???[棋仙 (6-12 21:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]309楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:卢国龙对郑祥福的half 局 !!Someone SMS me till here .. c7+1,C2.3 c2.5,c8.5 h2+3,P3+1 R1.2 P3+1 H8+9,P3.4 R2+4,P4+1 D6+5,R9+1 R2....)着法不对。Black has R9+1 twice; Last move H3-5 was from nowhere.[几度 (6-12 21:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]310楼

(引用 网络蚂蚁:胡海宇对朱永吉 GameStep 13 , C9+4 seem to fast .Is trying to win "Bing" but ended "Che" slow and not "offensve" , Should condsi...)Win Bing and defend. That's the strategy already.[几度 (6-12 21:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]311楼

(引用 几度:着法不对。Black has R9+1 twice; Last move H3-5 was from nowhere.)Hi Hi ....sorry , typo errorSomeone SMS me till here ..

R1.2 P3+1
C8.9,H7-5 ...Then you think lao yao good ??!!! 棋仙 should hv seen that game
[网络蚂蚁 (6-12 22:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]312楼

(引用 几度:Win Bing and defend. That's the strategy already.)That not like 几度 de Qifeng:>
Must change for next round. once got into first 4 place..anythings can happed
[网络蚂蚁 (6-12 22:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]313楼

(引用 piggy888:本人认为前甲组8名是。。。康德荣 许 信 黄俊铭 杨高正 邱冠杰 卢国龙 吴宗翰 黄毅鸿 )piggy888 , should re-predict one more time after 3rd round result ?Can share ?
[网络蚂蚁 (6-12 22:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]314楼

(引用 几度:着法不对。Black has R9+1 twice; Last move H3-5 was from nowhere.)第一次P3+1错,是马8进7.兵七进一炮2平3,炮二平五,炮8平5,马二进三,卒3进1,车一平二,卒3进1,马八进九,卒3平4,车2进4,卒4进1,士六进五,马8进7,车2平八,马2进1,车二平三,车1平2,车九平八,车2进2,兵九进一,炮3进1,马九进八,炮3平2,炮八进四,车2进1,炮五平八,车2平4,车七进五,车9进1,车八退二,车9平1,炮八平九,马7退5,,,,[棋仙 (6-12 23:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]315楼

(引用 几度:谁有第三轮卢国龙对郑祥福的全局记录?可以帖出来吗?这一局我只看了后半盘,双方攻守下出了很高的水平。)我来贴一下前半盘的动态棋局红:卢国龙 Law Kok Leong
黑:郑祥福 Tay Siang Hock

[卷心菜 (6-13 0:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]316楼

第三轮精彩对局:柳国斌先胜黄毅鸿game reviewed by 柳国斌
[卷心菜 (6-13 0:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]317楼

(引用 卷心菜:第三轮精彩对局:柳国斌先胜黄毅鸿game reviewed by 柳国斌 红:柳国斌 黑:黄毅鸿 ...)4th round partial result康德荣 Loss Lao yao
朱永吉 Draw 倪福良
许 信 Still fight 几度 (when I left)
邱冠杰 Win 刘郁兴
卢国龙 Loss Jun Ming
[网络蚂蚁 (6-14 0:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]318楼

Full Results of Round 4 .... After more than 4 hours, Hu Hai Yu lost.

[棋人生 (6-14 0:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]319楼

(引用 棋人生:Regrouping of Mr 网络蚂蚁's Prediction I have regrouped it with the groupings : 1 to 3 -- first 10 3 to 4 -- next 7 4 to 5 -- l...)Anyhow say!hihiComment after 4th round
康德荣 >>> Not in form ,cannot have treat to Junming and Alvin woo.
黄俊铭 >>> Think sure will get into top 4
吴宗翰 >>> Only left Junming and Zhuyong Ji to stop him
胡海宇 >>> Think Also not in form
朱永吉 >>> Think will have 1.5 points for next 3 game.

许 信 >>> Have treat to laoyao and Alvin woo
邱冠杰 >>> Have treat to Haiyu and Alvin woo if play red
卢国龙 >>> Treat to Haiyu and alvin woo
倪福良 >>> Think will only make it top 8

Cos of many Red horse loose and will meet one another to reduce chance to make to top 4
[网络蚂蚁 (6-14 0:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]320楼

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