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Bishan Xiangqi Club has moved ......
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Bishan Xiangqi Club has moved ......
We have moved to the new Classroom 2 on 29 Aug 2007.

The new Classroom 2 is located at level 1 (Bishan C.C. old office), near to Bishan C.C. new office.

We open on every Wednesday excluding public holidays, from 6:30pm to 10 pm.

With this move, We have also amended our list of future 10-month activities as below :

2007 8月29日 星期三 碧山象棋会理事会会议 (No. 7/2007)
2007 9 月 象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日)
2007 9 月 哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会3周年会庆象棋团体友谊赛 (9月8日)
2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007)
Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C.
2007 9 月 2007年雅柏广场团体赛 (9月23日)
2007 10 / 11 月 象总 :世界杯与第二屆亞洲室內運動會象棋项目:
2007 11月 碧山杯小学象棋团体赛感谢自助茶会
曁小学象棋活动研讨会 / 座谈会 (11月10日)
2007 11 月 白沙东象棋团体赛 (11月18日)
2007 11 / 12 月 & 2008 1 月 第4届碧山象棋会会员分级循环赛
2007 12 月 象总 :第13届亞洲杯个人赛〔印尼〕(12月2 - 8日)
2007 / 2008 碧山象棋会第3系列棋艺讨论
2008 1 月30日星期三 旧岁收工宵夜自费 碧山民众俱乐部象棋会照常活动
2008 2 月 6日星期三 (旧岁晚) 碧山民众俱乐部象棋会 无 活动
2008 2月13日星期三 碧山象棋会(人日)新春团拜 新春开工碧山象棋会照常活动
2月23 / 24日
& 3月1 / 2日 第3届 碧山杯全国象棋个人赛
碧山 C.C. (配合华族文化节) (2月23日- 3月23日)
2008 3 月 象总茶阳杯学生象棋个人赛
2008 4 / 5 月 碧山民众俱乐部象棋会开放日
碧山C.C. 曁碧山C.C. 第2届象棋擂台赛
2008 5 月 象总茶阳杯小学象棋团体赛
2008 5 / 6 月 象总全国个人赛
2008 6月25日 星期三 碧山象棋会6周年会庆
活动预告 组队到西马交流

EXCO Meetings to be held on 29 Aug 2007, 31 Oct 2007, 30 Jan 2008 & 30 Apr 2008 at 7:30 PM.
[棋人生 (8-31 11:00, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

[卷心菜 (8-31 12:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会3周年会庆象棋团体友谊赛 (9月8日) -- 6 teams at 3 pm[棋人生 (9-2 7:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007)

Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C.
[棋人生 (9-4 0:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

2007 9 月 2007年雅柏广场团体赛 (9月23日) (10 teams) ....[棋人生 (9-4 10:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)这个有谁参赛了么?日子安排的有点尴尬,住在那里附近的棋友倒是可以踊跃参加。[卷心菜 (9-4 18:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

(引用 卷心菜:这个有谁参赛了么?日子安排的有点尴尬,住在那里附近的棋友倒是可以踊跃参加。)巨型象棋赛, two players per night, all 12 are invited ...[棋人生 (9-4 19:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

2007 11 月 白沙东象棋团体赛 (11月18日) (10 teams)[棋人生 (9-4 21:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 棋人生:2007 9 月 2007年雅柏广场团体赛 (9月23日) (10 teams) ....)Kampong Glam Individual 2007 Prize Giving on the same night ...[棋人生 (9-4 21:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

(引用 棋人生:Kampong Glam Individual 2007 Prize Giving on the same night ...)张友彬 梁至顺 赵金山 郑木兴 林金福 廖铭濠* 许永坤 张胜祥
[棋人生 (9-4 21:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)For more details, please wait for the publicity by SPH, the organiser.[棋人生 (9-5 10:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

(引用 棋人生:2007 11 月 白沙东象棋团体赛 (11月18日) (10 teams))I heard that the total is 11 teams for this event .....[棋人生 (9-6 1:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

(引用 棋人生:张友彬 梁至顺 赵金山 郑木兴 林金福 廖铭濠* 许永坤 张胜祥 )赵金山, are you still around for this prize giving ....seem like you have a lot of prizes to collect before further study ...[棋人生 (9-6 9:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

(引用 棋人生:I heard that the total is 11 teams for this event .....)9 teams same as 雅柏广场 team event ....[棋人生 (9-7 9:35, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

(引用 棋人生:赵金山, are you still around for this prize giving ....seem like you have a lot of prizes to collect before further study ...)Will miss the prize giving ceremony but... ^_^Mr Deng has called me up to make personal arrangement for the cheque to be sent to me. He will keep the trophy for me as well until I am back next Sep.
Very helpful of him.

Anyway, all the best to the cchess lovers in Singapore and do take care! (Advise: Play chess with moderation). I look forward to playing with u all when back. Hope to get 'yi' grade in 2009! Will strive!

Thanks to Qi Ren Sheng for some of the reply posts.
Also to Mr Vegetable, very good for u to start this web so I can still catchup with latest S'pore events while abroad, take care friend!
[ZJS (9-9 18:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)the players for the 6 nights ...I heard that the organiser will have one player each (per night) from : Kampong Glam, Buona Vista, Queenstown, Boon Lay, Bishan, and a Non-Chinese to play against with their assigned players.

[棋人生 (9-10 7:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]16楼

(引用 卷心菜:恭喜,乔迁之喜啊。棋人生太热心了,我提议棋人生竞选国会议员。 谁愿意seconder?)Haha, thanks to your subject title but not the content lah .....[棋人生 (9-10 8:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]17楼

(引用 ZJS:Will miss the prize giving ceremony but... ^_^Mr Deng has called me up to make personal arrangement for the cheque to be sent to...)Yes, I heard you brought up this matter to Mr Deng on 29 July ....and mentioned it to him recently when I discussed with him on other xiangqi matters. [棋人生 (9-10 8:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]18楼

(引用 棋人生:the players for the 6 nights ...I heard that the organiser will have one player each (per night) from : Kampong Glam, Buona Vis ...)I heard that 柳国斌 against 梁至顺 on 19 Sep.[棋人生 (9-10 8:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]19楼

(引用 棋人生:the players for the 6 nights ...I heard that the organiser will have one player each (per night) from : Kampong Glam, Buona Vis ...)I also heard that 郑木兴 against 刘再成 (?) on 24 Sep[棋人生 (9-10 8:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]20楼

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