(引用 陶菲克:上半场我没下, 看了一会儿, 感觉上在红弃子后,黑走软了以致没能拿下....... ...)这样的棋局真的很适合上大棋盘...让观众捏把冷汗啊...直回票价..!精彩可惜的是没分胜负.两位可真的是识英雄重英雄... [多啦A梦 (11-24 1:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]81楼
(引用 棋人生:Welcome back. The score of one board could affect a lot ........e.g. if smmasing won 李勇, Bishan could move up to 3rd position....)哈哈..水落石出..别以为蚂蚁的出现,多啦A梦不见哦...以后别硬凹说我是蚂蚁喔..![多啦A梦 (11-24 19:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]82楼
(引用 多啦A梦:哈哈..水落石出..别以为蚂蚁的出现,多啦A梦不见哦...以后别硬凹说我是蚂蚁喔..! )haha, it is your duties to prove that you are not, I can't have the conclusion..[棋人生 (11-24 23:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]83楼
(引用 多啦A梦:哈哈..水落石出..别以为蚂蚁的出现,多啦A梦不见哦...以后别硬凹说我是蚂蚁喔..!
)Haha , 邪神 & 蚂蚁 Is back ?!We are juz to busy to make posting.
But we are reading as now have many people making posting.[网络蚂蚁 (11-25 23:52, Long long ago)]
[ 传统版 |
sForum ][登录后回复]84楼
(引用 网络蚂蚁:Haha , 邪神 & 蚂蚁 Is back ?!We are juz to busy to make posting. But we are reading as now have many people making posting.)没什么时间阅读一年也没下多过20盘棋,再过两三年可能挂免战牌了。[火云邪神 (11-28 21:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]85楼