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2012年“郑海文杯”第53届新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛 (总贴)
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(引用 新加坡碧山:黄晓华进B组八強,只须完成本周赛事,可獲颁乙级棋士。恭喜黄晓华!)一位棋友对我说 “你也升乙级了,那太好了!明年A组赛又多一个鱼腩了。”[任我行v2 (6-28 9:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]181楼

(引用 任我行v2:一位棋友对我说 “你也升乙级了,那太好了!明年A组赛又多一个鱼腩了。”)A Poem in ClosureOkay, here's a long poem I wrote to get all these roiling, pent up emotions off my chest. Too many contradicting events have happened all at once -- that's why I got so angry, frustrated, without the freedom nor power to salvage the situation for myself. Hopefully this poem will explain it all, and also serve as a concluding closure to this fiasco. I never wished for it to happen -- why, I was so excited and happy watching the B division finals last night. The match by Wan Yin and Wang Zhen Wei, the long-drawn game between Lum Sum Kok and Chi Yi Nan. I felt the heat of their play -- Lum had a cannon and a horse in the endgame, versus Chi's single horse and double advisors. Though it was an "old man's game", I retained the patience to watch it out till the final move. Who says I didn't wish to be in the competition still, sitting at one of the tables playing my final game? It doesn't matter which ranking -- the excitment of the finals would always live in my memory. Yet all these events coming together... saw my withdrawal from the competition. Sigh.....

Here's the poem. Interpret it however you will. That's the beauty of Art.

The Crucifixion

Too many coincidences have happened the past week:
the stoppage of my Chinese chess competition
because of a charge from the military camp
that saw me confined for a long, long dreary week;
a phantom attacker r-i-p-p-i-n-g my name apart
on an online forum for chess lovers
claiming my cheating in the competition.

People read, started believing his lies, & thought
my withdrawal from the competition
was because of the judge's
long finger of dismissal.

They were wrong. But no matter
how many dozen, thousand letters of self-defense
I typed, putting my real name out in the open
braving the critic-fire of disbelievers
would anyone believe me?

Would anyone deduce
(and here I apologize for the lack
of space for Imagination, but crude precision)
that Fate had put me at a crossroads,
cooped me in camp while strangers
crucified my name out in the open?

Oh I may only rant, and rave, and sing my innocence
yet unless the cheat can come out
and show his rodent face of cowardice
my name may never be resurrected
in the crucifying eyes of the cold public.

Or could the gradual power of silence
speak my innocence with time? Presumed deeds
slowly forgotten, & put away, like another loss
in the chess competition, the one
that knocked me out from the crucial finals.

Thank you for the experiences, everyone. I had fun in those four short games of chess in the tourney. :)

Sincerely, Dan
[danny00 (6-28 9:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]182楼

(引用 任我行v2:一位棋友对我说 “你也升乙级了,那太好了!明年A组赛又多一个鱼腩了。”)B组最后一轮观棋有感第一台,王印后和王镇伟: 开局五分钟双方走了14回合, 迅速进入中局,半小时以内,双方议和
第二台,迟益南先负梁燊虢, 双方大战三百回合,迟胜势输棋,仍稳居B组积分榜第二名

[第二梦 (6-28 9:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]183楼

(引用 第二梦:B组最后一轮观棋有感第一台,王印后和王镇伟: 开局五分钟双方走了14回合, 迅速进入中局,半小时以内,双方议和 第二台,迟益南先负梁燊 ...)congratulationsCongratulations, Wang Yin! I enjoyed watching you play.[danny00 (6-28 9:35, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]184楼

(引用 任我行v2:B组赛第一阶段最后一轮前瞻第一台:王镇伟vs王印。王印目前7分领先,风头正劲,王镇伟上轮爆冷击败迟益南,也是气势如虹。不过论比赛经验...)赛前预测的饭碗不好端啊七台的预测只中了三台。看来不管是足球或者是象棋,赛前预测的饭碗都不好端啊。[任我行v2 (6-28 10:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]185楼

(引用 卷心菜:B组)B组第九轮成绩:两王相斗王镇伟战和王印,老少之战梁燊虢力克迟益南第九轮 27/06/2012 星期三 晚上8:00pm
台 红方 积分 黑方 积分

1 王镇伟 Ong Zhen Wei (19) [6] .5:.5 王印 Wang Yin (3) [7]
2 迟益南 Chu Yinan (8) [6.5] 0:1 梁燊虢 Leong Sum Kok (10) [5.5]
3 郭昱荣 Kwek J Y Denson (18) [5] 0:1 叶德明 Yap Teck Ming (16) [5.5]
4 黄晓华 Huang Xiaohua (1) [5] 1:0 王智泉 Justin Ong (5) [5]
5 戴文翔 Tai Boon Siang (7) [5] 1:0 魏志偉 Ngoi Chi Wai (4) [5]
6 翁文龙 Ong Boon Leong (17) [4.5] 1:0 谢昀达 Seah Yun Da Bryan (9) [5]
7 杜耀宗 Toh Yeow Chong (31) [4.5] 1:0 刘富强 Liu Fuqiang (26) [4.5]
8 卓成国 Toh Sin Kok (33) [4.5] 1:0 陈忠信 Chan Chung Shun (12) [4]
9 曾喡翔 Chan Wei Xiang (27) [4] 0:1 陈良铭 Tan Liang Ming (13) [4]
10 罗凌轲 Luo Lingke (36) [4] 0:1 陈世昌 Chin Shih Chang (2) [3.5]
11 吴得顺 Goh Test Soon (14) [3.5] 1:0 苏添福 Soh Thiam Hock (11) [3.5]
12 徐金飞 Xu Jin Fei (28) [3.5] .5:.5 卓新威 Zhuo Xin Wei (22) [3.5]
13 王艺飞 Wang Yifei (35) [3.5] .5:.5 蔡栩彬 Cai Xu Bin (25) [3.5]
14 李立道 Li Li Dao (20) [3] 0:1 杨小忠 Yang Xiaozhong (32) [3]
15 陈捷森 Tan Jie Sen (24) [3] 1:0 姚永蔚 Shawn Yeo (23) [2.5]
16 张世成 Myat Min Htet (29) [1] 1:0 张哲铭 Chong Zhe Ming (34) [2.5]
17 胡博勇 Woo Bo Yung (21) [2.5] 1:0 BYE
[卷心菜 (6-28 11:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]186楼

今晚B组八強--王印v 杜耀宗 迟益南v 戴文翔 梁燊虢v 黄晓华 王镇伟v 叶德明[新加坡碧山 (6-28 11:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]187楼

(引用 卷心菜:B组)B组9轮后首阶段排名“郑海文杯”B组 首阶段排名

积分 对手分 胜局
1 王印 Wang Yin 7.5 49.0 6
2 迟益南 Chu Yinan 6.5 50.0 6
3 梁燊虢 Leong Sum Kok 6.5 45.5 6
4 王镇伟 Ong Zhen Wei 6.5 45.0 6
5 叶德明 Yap Teck Ming 6.5 40.5 6
6 黄晓华 Huang Xiaohua 6 51.5 6
7 戴文翔 Tai Boon Siang 6 50.0 5
8 杜耀宗 Toh Yeow Chong 5.5 47.0 4 *后手胜局=3;


9 翁文龙 Ong Boon Leong 5.5 47.0 4 *后手胜局=2;
10 卓成国 Toh Sin Kok 5.5 40.0 4
11 谢昀达 Seah Yun Da Bryan 5 47.5 4
12 王智泉 Justin Ong 5 45.5 3
13 郭昱荣 Kwek J Y Denson 5 43.0 3
14 魏志偉 Ngoi Chi Wai 5 42.0 5
15 陈良铭 Tan Liang Ming 5 33.5 3
16 刘富强 Liu Fuqiang 4.5 43.0 3
17 陈世昌 Chin Shih Chang 4.5 36.5 4
18 吴得顺 Goh Test Soon 4.5 34.5 3
19 罗凌轲 Luo Lingke 4 45.0 3
20 陈忠信 Chan Chung Shun 4 41.0 4
21 杨小忠 Yang Xiaozhong 4 39.5 4
22 蔡栩彬 Cai Xu Bin 4 39.0 2
23 徐金飞 Xu Jin Fei 4 38.0 2
24 卓新威 Zhuo Xin Wei 4 37.5 3
25 曾喡翔 Chan Wei Xiang 4 36.5 3
26 王艺飞 Wang Yifei 4 33.0 3
27 陈捷森 Tan Jie Sen 4 30.5 4
28 苏添福 Soh Thiam Hock 3.5 38.5 2
29 胡博勇 Woo Bo Yung 3.5 31.0 2
30 李立道 Li Li Dao 3 38.0 2
31 张哲铭 Chong Zhe Ming 2.5 36.0 1
32 姚永蔚 Shawn Yeo 2.5 30.5 1

33 陈中和 Tan Zhong He 2.5 28.0 2*退出比赛
34 赖颖正 Lai Ying Jeng 2 31.0 2*退出比赛
35 张世成 Myat Min Htet 2 31.0 1
36 欧阳锐豪 Brandon Ou Yang 0 16.0 0*退出比赛
[卷心菜 (6-28 11:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]188楼

(引用 卷心菜:B组9轮后首阶段排名“郑海文杯”B组 首阶段排名 积分 对手分 胜局 1 王印 Wang Yin ...)我拿了一个对手分第一名,呵呵阿Q精神万岁![任我行v2 (6-28 12:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]189楼

(引用 任我行v2:我拿了一个对手分第一名,呵呵阿Q精神万岁!)加油!再接再厉! 我觉得你有进4强的实力.[印度阿三 (6-28 13:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]190楼

(引用 王印:第九轮王印(后)和王镇伟 ...)王印,得换个新招,你的棋路都让人家背得滚瓜烂熟了[任我行v2 (6-28 13:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]191楼

(引用 印度阿三:加油!再接再厉! 我觉得你有进4强的实力.)谢谢鼓励,不过很多时候实力是个很玄的概念我还以为鲁尼归队后的英格兰有进入决赛的实力,没想到刚出八强就给人砍下来。

[任我行v2 (6-28 14:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]192楼

(引用 danny00:congratulationsCongratulations, Wang Yin! I enjoyed watching you play.)谢谢捧场[任我行v2 (6-28 14:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]193楼

(引用 任我行v2:谢谢鼓励,不过很多时候实力是个很玄的概念我还以为鲁尼归队后的英格兰有进入决赛的实力,没想到刚出八强就给人砍下来。 我会尽力的。)吴宗翰讲过他争取到好成绩,须要运气,开始以为他。。。谦虚,经过2年观察,是真的。[SG-Reporter (6-28 14:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]194楼

(引用 任我行v2:王印,得换个新招,你的棋路都让人家背得滚瓜烂熟了)哈哈哈,晓华不用担心我既然敢把自己过去和现在所有的棋谱发上悟入棋途,就不怕别人赛前来悟入棋途搜索我的棋局做研究和准备。


1. 做个网络备份,假期回国有空能来悟入棋途温习自己的对局,也可以让我父亲看到我的对局(我爸也是个棋迷)。

2. 和大家一起探讨棋局变化,共同进步。

3. 让对手针对我的布局准备好N把飞刀,这样自己才能学习到新的飞刀,胜败乃兵家常事,输棋太正常不过了,哪个下棋的高手不是输出来的?但是输了后能知道自己中了哪把飞刀,然后加以学习改正,既能避免以后自己再中刀,也能在以后别人的比赛中借用学来的飞刀,何乐不为?

[王印 (6-28 14:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]195楼

(引用 danny00:my words to everyone大家好。我是中和,再想向大家表明我的清白多一次。对heartshapedbox莫名其妙,莫名的攻击,我也想也生气,应为他就...)...what I need to say leh???I will never trust ppl until I really saw it...take it easy bro[yinan (6-28 14:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]196楼

(引用 王印:哈哈哈,晓华不用担心我既然敢把自己过去和现在所有的棋谱发上悟入棋途,就不怕别人赛前来悟入棋途搜索我的棋局做研究和准备。 就像我们...)棋被人研究,说明还有研究的价值。研究的越多,接受的挑战也就越多,提升也就越快![第二梦 (6-28 14:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]197楼

(引用 王印:哈哈哈,晓华不用担心我既然敢把自己过去和现在所有的棋谱发上悟入棋途,就不怕别人赛前来悟入棋途搜索我的棋局做研究和准备。 就像我们...)就欣赏王印这豪气不过棋路多点变化总是好的[任我行v2 (6-28 15:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]198楼

(引用 任我行v2:就欣赏王印这豪气不过棋路多点变化总是好的)业余,在新加坡比赛不用懂太多变化,,,只要先掌握对手容易犯错那些,然后就看你的学派是博大精还是深。[SG-Reporter (6-28 15:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]199楼

(引用 yinan:...what I need to say leh???I will never trust ppl until I really saw it...take it easy bro)thanks!Thank you my friend, for supporting me. Need I say more?

PS: Yinan, when you are free, lemme know and we can meet at Bishan for a game of chess. Ok?
[danny00 (6-28 15:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]200楼

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