[梅花宝剑 (6-3 12:29, Long long ago)]
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try to answer your q1) good plan, suggest can visit Sienna also (near Florence), if have enought time, can go to Parlemo (capital of Sicily island)
2) can buy over there. Train ticket in Italy is quite cheap compared to other european countries.
3) Roma is better than Milan..... Pls take great caution when in Milan (actually everywhere in Italy)
4) dun know what is 'little lamb'...
5) Pisa is very very near to Florence, even half day can return. Can consider spend another half day in Sienna. [1984 (7-7 1:25, Long long ago)]
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好的1。可行。米兰两三天可能多了些, 当然要逛街买东西就不一样了。可以去北部的como 湖, 一个小时的火车。那里自然风光和湖岸别墅非常漂亮, 强烈推荐。但至少要一整天或两天。。。
2。意大利的车票并不算贵, 我想应该比这边买rail pass便宜。大户你不要老是坐euro star,坐intercity就可以了, 如果要求再低点儿, interregion 便宜很多, 速度也不会太慢。
3。可能吧, 不过我没被偷就是了。反正把钱放在身体前方会安全很多。
4。不知, 我都是走路的。
5。完全没问题, 从佛罗伦萨到比萨火车1个小时的样子。游览3,4个小时应该是够了。[西蜀霸王 (7-7 13:33, Long long ago)]
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I add some.1. Do not spend too much in Geneva. Can consider going to Bern or Lucern.
2. Do not spend too much in Milan. Nothing to watch now. Duomo is under reconstruction. Book your ticket to watch Last Supper now.
3. Half day in Pisa is enough. (1 hr to Fizenze by train)
4. Must go to Siena, as 1984 said.
5. Spend at least 3 days in Roma. So many things to see. [oceanxin2 (7-11 2:48, Long long ago)]
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(引用 oceanxin2:I add some.1. Do not spend too much in Geneva. Can consider going to Bern or Lucern. 2. Do not spend too much in Milan. Nothing ...)Now Italy may bethe next terrorist target. and you need to apply two visas. Dangerous and troublesome. :D [oceanxin2 (7-12 3:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
(引用 西蜀霸王:好的1。可行。米兰两三天可能多了些, 当然要逛街买东西就不一样了。可以去北部的como 湖, 一个小时的火车。那里自然风光和湖岸别墅非常...)我就没去比萨和罗马不是一个线上,在岔路,就没去了[雨虹 (7-12 16:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼