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Advices needed--What should I do and Where should I go?
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Advices needed--What should I do and Where should I go?Hi There,

I have been working in an MNC for seven years. I am a senior engineer in semiconductor industry with salary of near 5K. My company announced recently that they wanted to close down our division based on business direction. All the affected people will either need to look for jobs internally or take the retrenchment package.

Initially, I thought that since this is my first job, I would like to take this opportunity to try different things. I applied several positions related to supply chain management internally in the company. However, I do not have any supply chain experience. Two hiring managers rejected me while others do not reply me yet.

At the same time, I applied several positions externally in the semiconductor industry. Up to now, there is no reply.

Now, 80% of my collegues found job internally already. I believe I could find similiar jobs relating to manufacturing engineering internally. However, it will not add more market value to my resume in the future. The resume does not look good if I work for a company for too long with similiar job experiences. That's why I wanna try supply chain management. Or else, I would like to do the similiar work in another company.

My question is:

Why there is no reply to my several applications for the positions externally. I sent out the resume for more than ten days already. Is it because my salary is too high?

What's your opinion?
[SoulSkater (7-16 19:38, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

small companies response fast, big companies response sloweri remember once SIA replied to me 3 months after I wrote an email to them.
be patient, 10 days is really very short
[darkart (7-16 21:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

comedo u know now is the recession period of semicon?i believe nowadays it is a good thing to know if the company does not lose money in semicon.my previous company Micron lost 400+ million last year and US 320million US this year.the newly established IMFS is on the edge of closing down due to weak market and economy.Intel is considering to let go the 49% share of this site.probably EDB will step up again this time.

To me, although i'm only a fresh grad, i think 7 years with salary only near 5k is not much,it should not be the salary issue.frankly saying, for 7 years i will be expecting a principle engineer position already.

those posts online, sometimes they do not actually got the vacancies but just for publicity purpose.what i suggest, send 100 resumes first and see how. jumping from manufacturing to supply chain is kinda hard, as the things are quite different, think abt if you were the manager,who will you choose, a fresh grad major in supply chain(ISE) and ask for starting pay of 3000 or a Snr Engr with no experience and background asking for 5000. i would say probably the fresh grad got higher chance,would it?

try hard, if cannot, try harder. i forecast the market will be back on track in the year 2009, with the boost of 45nm technology and a more matured comunication and personal electronics market. for NAND flash, not sure how fast is the cost down for the big players like Samsung,but we should be able to see some applications using SSD with acceptable price in the 2nd half of 2009. however, all things still depend on the economy.this uncertainty of the market started first half last year and already continued for a year or so. so i believe those big player like Samsung, Intel, TSMC, Toshiba have come up with some strategies to recover the market.if not, too bad, we all suffer... ...sigh...

ok,said so much. wish you all good,just give them a few more days,meanwhile, don stop sending your resume^_^ i got one friend who send 500 resumes before he found one.
[walkerwang (7-17 6:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 walkerwang:comedo u know now is the recession period of semicon?i believe nowadays it is a good thing to know if the company does not lose ...)Thanks a lot for your suggestions!I guess I need to send more resumes...[SoulSkater (7-18 13:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

(引用 darkart:small companies response fast, big companies response sloweri remember once SIA replied to me 3 months after I wrote an email to...)Thanks a lot for letting me how long should I wait...[SoulSkater (7-18 13:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

(引用 walkerwang:comedo u know now is the recession period of semicon?i believe nowadays it is a good thing to know if the company does not lose ...)I sent two more resumes today:-)[SoulSkater (7-18 17:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

(引用 SoulSkater:I sent two more resumes today:-))Kindly Keep it! You will get success!Welcome to visit our kelly Service for consulting ! =)[ellinlin (7-18 17:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

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