(引用 acerbravo:啊啊啊啊啊要疯了,要疯了 ~~
临时取消)擦擦擦擦Unfortunately we will have to cancel our interview on 26 May 2017 (Friday) due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control.
We are deeply sorry for the inconveniences caused. Please be rest assured that you would be our priority candidate when re-schedule this assessment. You would be further notified once we have a confirm new assessment date.
Please take this as a confirm notice of cancellation.
Appreciate your patience and understanding.[acerbravo (5-25 17:27, Long long ago)]
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(引用 acerbravo:擦擦擦擦Unfortunately we will have to cancel our interview on 26 May 2017 (Friday) due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyo...)这是报应么?背了一周的case,买了新西服。。。请好了假。。。。
好想骂人啊![acerbravo (5-25 17:29, Long long ago)]
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(引用 狮子王:银行的?xmlzj)不是银行第一份工在SGX,又跳到一个小公司,钱多点你懂的
感觉这一阵子一直在作大死,想回CBD了[acerbravo (5-25 17:31, Long long ago)]
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(引用 acerbravo:擦擦擦擦Unfortunately we will have to cancel our interview on 26 May 2017 (Friday) due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyo...)我也是转行d.昨天拿到offer 面试了一个月 最后选了一家离家近的 裸辞果然是风险很大 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [天天宝宝1122 (5-25 18:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]44楼
(引用 acerbravo:这是报应么?背了一周的case,买了新西服。。。请好了假。。。。 好想骂人啊!)机会还会有的 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [icky (5-25 20:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]45楼
拍拍楼主,找工作是要有点运气的我Contract做完,full time找了2个月,有时一周有1-3个面试,有时2周才一个面试。。要耐心等哦。没面试的时候静心准备、学习,因为可能说来就一起来还没空准备了呢。。找工作是挺考验心理的,要学着调节呢。也是好机会好好想想下一步的方向。加油哦
[卉卉 (5-25 22:51, Long long ago)]
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(引用 卉卉:拍拍楼主,找工作是要有点运气的我Contract做完,full time找了2个月,有时一周有1-3个面试,有时2周才一个面试。。要耐心等哦。没面试的...)谢谢谢谢回答的太正能量了,希望下个工能多些跟层主这么积极的人。。。
其实上班只要高兴,工作量什么的都不是问题,我自己就是个偏负能量的,老板也是,所以就这么爆发了。。。[acerbravo (5-25 23:47, Long long ago)]
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(引用 acerbravo:擦擦擦擦Unfortunately we will have to cancel our interview on 26 May 2017 (Friday) due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyo...)终于找到工了渣打 performance team BA。。。涨了700块钱
貌似很多渣打的人上华新?[acerbravo (6-23 15:32, Long long ago)]
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(引用 acerbravo:终于找到工了渣打 performance team BA。。。涨了700块钱 contract,MBFC上班 貌似很多渣打的人上华新?)恭喜楼主!是不少渣打的,听说渣打给的pay比较高 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [cicihoo (6-23 17:47, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]49楼
(引用 acerbravo:终于找到工了渣打 performance team BA。。。涨了700块钱 contract,MBFC上班 貌似很多渣打的人上华新?)恭喜楼主!话说楼主在家休息的时候找到的? [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [贝爷 (6-23 17:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]50楼
(引用 贝爷:恭喜楼主!话说楼主在家休息的时候找到的?)是的在家待业半个月了[acerbravo (6-24 14:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]51楼
(引用 acerbravo:擦擦擦擦Unfortunately we will have to cancel our interview on 26 May 2017 (Friday) due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyo...)对于此公司我已经无语昨晚来电话,说安排下周六面试
呵呵[acerbravo (6-24 14:43, Long long ago)]
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(引用 acerbravo:对于此公司我已经无语昨晚来电话,说安排下周六面试 呵呵)周六面试是个神马事很少有公司周六面啊 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [icky (6-24 23:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]53楼
(引用 acerbravo:终于找到工了渣打 performance team BA。。。涨了700块钱 contract,MBFC上班 貌似很多渣打的人上华新?)恭喜恭喜现在的行情还不错,比去年好一些 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [凝华 (6-26 14:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]54楼