请问有没有免费的软件可以看SGX行情的.web的行情太不方便了.[nusfighter (7-4 13:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
请高人指点一下迷津。。。确实不方便顿时发现还是国内的家伙全啊![forumstart (4-6 22:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
想买一个commercial的分析软件,最好带实时股票行情, 有什么选择嗯?牛兄,上次你说的那个charting是什么?
[forumstart (4-6 22:26, Long long ago)]
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real time quote, all broke house providing this.I am using POEMS, not bad.
For charting tools, I recommend www.downloadquotes.com
it is free, with access to all major markets, update daily.
Though it does not adjust Divident and bonus share, kind of inconvenient.[xiaoqiuqiu (4-7 0:03, Long long ago)]
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