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卖二手2011年CFA Level One 全套Notes和Texas Instruments BA II Plus 计算器
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卖二手2011年CFA Level One 全套Notes和Texas Instruments BA II Plus 计算器Texas Instruments BA II Plus 计算器:90%新

2011年CFA Level One 全套Notes:80%新

【学习笔记】2012 Schweser Study Notes(5本全彩版)【书本】
BOOK 1 Ethical and Professional Standards,and Quantitative Methods
BOOK 2 Economics
BOOK 3 Financial Reporting and Analysis
BOOK 4 Corporate Finance,Portfolio Management,and Equity Investments
BOOK 5 Fixed Income,Derivatives,and Alternative Investments
【考点记忆表】2012 Schweser Quicksheet独立全彩色三折页版
【官方样题】2011 CFA InstitutsSample Exams(2套120题含解释)【书本】
【道德手册】2012 CFA Standard of PracticeHandbook,10th ed【书本】

有兴趣的童鞋请联系 wendyyz379@gmail.com or QQ:19349867 Thanks!
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