请教高手:通过ADSL怎样让2台电脑同时上网?如果modem是Enthernet接口的话,是否可以再加一个Hub联2台电脑?如果modem是USB接口的话,又该怎么办?Singnet提供的ADSL modem好像只有USB接口的。
谢谢不吝赐教![dbszzq (7-5 18:35, Long long ago)]
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There are several ways...1) Modem with Ethernet connector. Can connect two computer using a hub with the modem? Yes and no.
No: You cannot simply connect the modem to two computers with a hub. That won't work.
Yes: You can still use this configuration, but install Sygate Home/Office Network for its proprietary single NIC-mode gateway. After this, both computers can access the Internet (the one with Sygate installed will be the server), but they will not be able to communicate with each other using SMB (i.e., better known as "Network Neighbourhood"), though normal TCP/IP communication is still okay.
2) Modem with USB connector. Not much choice but to connect it directly to one of the computers, and use it as the gateway. (In this case, almost all gateway software, including Sygate, can be used, as you have 2 network connections on the server--the modem, and the NIC.)
3) Modem with Ethernet connector. Get a router (quite cheap nowadays as compared to a few years back), which saves you from always turning one computer on as server.
4) ..... Explore it! There are still many more alternative ways to go...[Flying (7-5 22:17, Long long ago)]
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图解:[香陵居士 (7-6 2:45, Long long ago)]
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(引用 Flying:There are several ways...1) Modem with Ethernet connector. Can connect two computer using a hub with the modem? Yes and no.
No: ...)One thing:2 PC share a WAN link via hub is OK.
Two PCs are virtually seen as one on the WAN.[香陵居士 (7-6 2:50, Long long ago)]
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(引用 香陵居士:图解:
2.市场上出售的宽带路由器,实际上是路由器集成了交换机(少数)或者集线器(大多数)。集成集线器的广域网速度会因局域网流量而受到影响(比如A从B处拷贝电影会大大影响B访问因特网的速度;而集成交换机的则影响比较小。[香陵居士 (7-6 3:11, Long long ago)]
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(引用 香陵居士:One thing:2 PC share a WAN link via hub is OK. Two PCs are virtually seen as one on the WAN.)The thing is the ADSL connections you get here.You will be doomed with tons of problems if you do so. I'm not saying that that kind of connection is out, just that, it is simply a bad choice given the WAN connection he/she's using.[Flying (7-6 9:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼
(引用 香陵居士:图解: ...)ft... you dig this image out from your place?:^P[Flying (7-6 9:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼
谢谢2位大虾![dbszzq (7-6 12:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼
(引用 Flying:ft... you dig this image out from your place?:^P)Heehee, I draw it myself, :P[香陵居士 (7-6 20:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼