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听朋友说biotherm的新产品line peel可以帮助肌肤恢复,不过我从来没有用过它家的东西,请大家给点建议好吗?还有怎么样缩小毛孔,怎么样才能调理我这样的内干外油的肤质啊?应该用什么样的护肤品啊?求大家帮帮忙啊。


[Irene (2-16 0:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

mm还是看医生吧,之前都不要用刺激性的东西了,清水洗脸,用些以前用过刺激性小的面霜年轻的时候会长痘了,不要担心太多,就是问题皮肤,也还有专门的护肤系列呢:)[媚灵狐 (2-16 0:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

[树袋猪 (2-16 1:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

和楼下的一样,看医生,好像没什么别的办法了。[花心大哥 (2-16 1:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

多喝水,吃点VC VB2之类的药。加油[帅温柔 (2-16 2:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

没事儿, 孙燕姿的脸都能填平, 你怕什么开玩笑的.

我有一个同学原来在浙大的时候脸上也是成片的豆, 又红又多还坑坑洼洼的, 后来也是坚持用医生给的药水洗脸, 结果就好了, 大帅哥一个喔~
[江南渔夫 (2-16 9:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼




olay---DAILY RENEWAL cleanser
<img src="http://www.olay.com/quicksearch/images/us29137_BIG.gif"><br>




最后,最近,尽量不要吃糖,巧克力,薯片,就是那种彭化油炸食品,还有香菜,蒜、葱。少点儿盐。还有油辣椒,比如老干妈,反扫光。醋泡的鲜辣椒可以。如果,,不太为难的话,少吃淀粉。比如米饭,面。多吃豆类食品,鸡蛋,肉类(不是油炸版本的,最好是烤的、敦的)比如。。xxx steal。。还有不吃胡萝卜。。。这样,痘痘很快就没有了。新的皮肤,白白嫩嫩。。


[小土 (2-16 9:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼


[dolphin (2-16 10:04, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 小土:痘痘用OXYGEN系列的药膏不行吗?几年前,我也长了好多痘痘,脸上的皮肤好疼。 就在NTUC买的OXYGEN的一种治疗清度痘痘的药膏。用了两次就...)又想起来一些睡觉的床单被子,最好不要化纤的。。可能引发敏感。。。






关于吃什么,我有一点儿经验,你可以参考哈:名字我还是不会拼。。。。就是。。YOO TOU FOO。


记得,心情要放松哈~HAPPY HAPPY,,出痘痘,证明你很年轻的~嘻嘻。。。俺都不再出痘痘了。。嘻嘻。小声的说~~出逗逗就像蝉脱皮一样,是新的白白皮肤到来的序曲~抓住这个机会~~何乐而不为嘛~

[小土 (2-16 10:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼






[小土 (2-16 10:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼


[smell_coffee (2-16 10:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

(引用 smell_coffee:哈尔滨的蓝金组合非常好 外用加内服,可以托国内的朋友邮寄过来,300多人民币一个疗程。可能需要几个疗程,让他们帮你问问使用方法,蓝...)看看医生,听听专业的怎么说
[smell_coffee (2-16 10:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

[dolphin (2-16 10:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

清洁和护肤偶比较推荐雅漾的东东。还有body shop的tea tree oil是对豆子效果很好的东东哦
[过眼云烟 (2-16 11:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

偶也想问呢偶的问题是辣的吃太多 吃饭就要拌老干妈 不然实在吃不下饭 所以脸上总起豆豆 尤其是这半年 就没好过 郁闷呢 别人还以为我生活不顺 总上火呢 其实也是 :(
MM不要随便用化妆品了 看医生吧 以前偶看过医生 连擦带洗 还吃汤药 好过一阵子 后来偶的饮食习惯又乱了 结果脸又开始起豆豆了 这个不一定是皮肤的问题 有可能是你身体内部调节的事情 中医里比较懂这些 多吃点清热去火的东西 少吃油腻 辛辣食品 保持心情舒畅 没事多活动活动 保持脸部清洁 记得有个医生说不要用洗面奶洗脸了 这些东西的成分很难讲 有好有坏的 用香皂就行 还洗的干净 偶现在在用天狮的药皂洗脸 感觉不错
嗯 偶就知道这些了
[发错帖子 (2-16 12:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼

莫急莫急其实很多男孩在青春期时都有好多豆豆, 是大大的, 红红的那种. 女孩像你这般肯定是不太多啦. 我原来在国内时bf就是这样, 记得他用过采诗系列产品(是国内的), 据说还挺惯用. 其实过一阵, 豆豆就不算太明显了. 不敢说全消了, 但是不仔细看不出来, 平时谁那么仔细看你的脸是不是光洁啊.mm不要因为这点小麻烦影响心情. [肉垫 (2-16 13:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]16楼

All about acne (z)What is ACNE VULGARIS?
Dr Ang Por
Associate Consultant

Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder of the pilosebaceous unit (sebaceous gland and adjoining hair follicle, characterised by increased oil production and development of comedones such as blackheads, whiteheads) and inflammatory lesions. These occur predominantly on the face, chest and back.

What causes acne?
It is due to an end-organ hyper-responsiveness to androgens. Four factors are important for the pathogenesis of acne:

Increased sebum production
Blockage of pilosebaceous duct
Propionibacterium acnes
There is an increase in sebum production by the sebaceous gland in response to the male hormone testosterone. This explains why acne usually starts around puberty and why certain females with abnormally high male hormones have more severe acne. Most acne patients are normal and healthy. However, if the patient has features of hirsutism or irregular menstruation, an endocrinopathy should be looked for eg: polycystic ovarian disease.

Besides seborrhoea, there is also ductual hypercornification ie proliferation of the keratinocytes around the pilosebaceous duct, causing blockage of the duct. When this happens, comedones are formed. Bacterial inflammation also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of acne. The bacterium Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) act on the sebum in the hair follicle and break it down to fatty acids which are released into the surrounding skin. This causes the inflammatory lesions of papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. Scars may result from the inflammatory lesions; there may be atrophic scars (pits), hypertrophic scars or keloids

Closed Comedones and Open Comedones

Who gets acne?
The onset of acne is usually at or just beyond puberty. The acne life span ranges from 6-14 years and sometimes longer. Women can develop acne in their late twenties or thirties (acne tarda). Very rarelt infantile acne can occur; this clears in 2-4 years. It is also important to remember that some environmental factors can cause acne such as:

Drugs eg topical or systemic steroids, anti-epileptic or anti-tuberculous drugs
Occupational factors eg oils, tars
These may appear monomorphic or distributed over the areas of contact.

How to advise acne patients?
Acne is treatable
Acne is a slow responding disorder. Systemic antibiotics are given for at least 6 months, and intermittent courses may be required. Topical treatment is likely for the whole of the acne life span. 40% improvement is anticipated at 2 months, 60% at 4 months and 80% or more at 6 months or treatment. Compliance is important and must be emphasized
Acne will resolve one day but scars are permanent and difficult to treat
Others: There is no evidence that dietary restriction helps acne. Cosmetics should be water-based and oil free and kept to a minimum. Facials are not harmful unless there is excessive squeezing of lesions which may result in scars. Excessive face washing will not cause more oil production.

How to treat acne?
For mild acne, ie mainly comedones and a few papules or pustules, topical treatment may suffice. First line therapy include bacteriostatic agents like acne cream (suphur, resorcinol) and benzoyl peroxide. Retinoids are comedolytic and are helpful for comedonal acne. These include tretinoin (eg Retin A, Retacnyl, Stieva A), isotretinoin (Isotrex) and adapalene (Differin) a retinoid-like substance with less irritation. For inflammatory lesions, antibiotics like clindamycin (eg Dalacin), erythromycin (eg T Stat, Eryderm, Eryacne) are prescribed. An antibacterial face wash (eg triclosan, benzoyl peroxide) is helpful. Some degree of exfoliation is useful especially for comedones and this can be achieved with over-the-counter alpha hydroxy acid products (AHA solution for oily and acne prone skin) or chemical peels done by doctors.
Moderate acne i.e. many papules and pustules should be treated with a course of antibiotics. These include doxycycline 100 mg bd, tetracycline 500 mg bd, erythromycin 500 mg bd, cotrimoxazole-trimethoprim (Bactrim) 2 tablets bd and minocycline 100 mg bd. If there is no response by 6 weeks, the antibiotics should be changed after non compliance has been excluded. When the acne is controlled, the dosage of the antibiotics is tapered down before stopping. The effectiveness of oral contraceptives is reduced with antibiotics so precautions should be taken eg additional barrier method If the patient is sexually active and desires contraception, Diane-35, a contraceptive, given for 18 months, is useful.
Sever acne ie nodulo-cystic ane should be treated early with isotretinoin (Roaccutane) to prevent scarring. This is given at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day up to a cumulative and minimum dosage of 100-120 mg/kg to minimise relapse. The side effects eg dryness, cheilitis and complications eg teratogenicity hepatitis, hyperlipidaemia must be explained before treatment. Fasting lipids and liver function tests are indicated before treatment. Pregnancy must be avoided during the duration of isotretinoin therapy until one menstrual cycle after stopping the drug.
Acne Scars Severe Acne

Adjunctive treatment for acne

Intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injections of acute inflammed cysts will aid resolution. Persistent macromedones can be removed with expression or light electrocautery.

How to apply topicals?

The cream, gel, or solution should be applied to the whole area prone to acne and not just individual lesions. All acne products cause a certain degree of peeling and dryness. If the dermatitis is excessive, the treatment can be stopped and then restarted over a small area first. If no problems occur, the topical can be increased to bigger areas. A moisturising cream may help the dryness. If the dermatitis persists, a change in product may be indicated.

How to take tablets?

Tetracycline and erythromycin are taken twice daily 30 minutes before food with water, not milk. If the patient forgets, he should quickly take it as soon as he remembers. Doxycycline, moinocycline and trimethoprim are taken at the end of a meal.

How to treat pregnant ladies with acne?

Topical treatment with erythromycin or benzoyl peroxide or systemic erythromycin.

How to treat scars?
It is imperative that the patient does not squeeze, pick or scratch the acne lesions. Some patients especially females, have a compulsive tendency to do this (acne excoriee). Scars are not treated by topicals or antibiotics. There are two types of scars:

1) Pitted / atrophic scars
Superficial scars will improve with time or with chemical peels. Deep scars are treated by excision, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, collagen injection or a combination of the above

2) Hypertrophic scars or keloids
These often occur over the jawline, neck, chest and back. These are treated with monthly intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injections (Kenacort) 10mg/DL until complete flattening. There is no good way or eradicating scars once they are formed. Prevention is still the best.

Good Skincare Hygiene and Habits

Besides using the medications prescribed by the doctor to treat your acne problems, you should also exercise good skincare hygiene and habits to avoid worsening the condition. These are some measures you can take to prevent your acne problems from worsening:

Clean your skin gently with a suitable cleanser twice a day. Preferably use a product that contains antiseptic like AHA Facial Wash for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin. Do not scrub your skin excessively using strong detergent soaps as this could worsen your acne problems
Avoid frequent rubbing or touching of acne prone skin, as this could introduce and encourage the growth of bacteria within the pores and hair follicles of the skin.
Do not squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin. Scars may form if you squeeze pimples. Wash your hands more frequently and avoid putting your fingers and hands to your face unnecessarily. Do not rest your face on your hands while you read, study, or watch TV.
Avoid Suntanning. Although a suntan or sunburn that reddens the skin can make blemishes less visible and make the skin feel drier for a little while, the benefits, however, are only temporary. The sun can seriously damage skin, promote premature aging of skin, and may cause skin cancer. Furthermore, many of the mediacations used to treat acne also make a person more prone to sunburn.
People being treated for acne often need to change some of the cosmetics they use. All cosmetics, such as foundation, blush, eye shadow and moisturizers, should be oil free or water-based. It is also advisable not to use cosmetics too heavily or too often.
Avoid Stress.

[Clex (2-16 14:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]17楼

不用太过操心,长大了就好了。一般过了更年期就没事儿了。[materialist (2-16 15:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]18楼

(引用 materialist:不用太过操心,长大了就好了。一般过了更年期就没事儿了。)斑竹,强烈建议给这贴打碎心......[Irene (2-16 17:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]19楼

(引用 小土:痘痘用OXYGEN系列的药膏不行吗?几年前,我也长了好多痘痘,脸上的皮肤好疼。 就在NTUC买的OXYGEN的一种治疗清度痘痘的药膏。用了两次就...)谢谢尘美女!你的建议都很有用,谢谢你!
[Irene (2-16 17:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]20楼

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