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【食尚煮义】懒人厨艺之 gelatin filtration 试作
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其实我还没完全搞明白怎么做但看起来挺健康de [hulumama (8-9 0:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼

(引用 Delacroix:其实和袋泡茶差不多的啊~只不过我的就是空的纸包,把冰块放在里面就行,我正好有就没有另外买纱布。应该只要是能透水又不烂掉就行,比如...)原来如此长知识了,谢谢  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [Ex2 (8-9 2:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]22楼

我搬一个 Wikipedia 的解释好了~原始链接参见 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consomm%C3%A9#Gelatin-filtered_.22consomm.C3.A9.22
Freezing a water-based solution converts all bulk water into ice crystals, but water associated with solutes—in the case of a soup stock, gelatin, fat, and flavor compounds—remains unfrozen to much lower temperatures; in practice, the freezing temperature of this associated water is well below the reach of conventional freezers. Thus, gelatin filtration works by freezing a gelatin-containing, water-based solution and then allowing it to thaw in a mesh strainer at just above the freezing temperature of water. The gelatin and other solutes concentrate in the unfrozen, associated water, and the gelatin forms a stable network through cross-linking, just as it would in a standard gel. This stable network acts as a filter, trapping large particles of fat or protein, while allowing water and smaller, flavor-active compounds to pass. As the bulk water melts, it passes first through the gelatin network and then through the mesh strainer, into a receiving vessel. Because the temperature is kept just above the freezing point, the bulk water melts slowly and, as it is strained into a separate vessel, it is never in contact with the gelatin for long enough to begin dissolving the gelatin network. After all of the bulk water melts, the gelatin network remains in the strainer with the trapped macroscopic particles, and the clarified stock (the bulk water and flavor compounds) is collected in the receiving vessel.
[Delacroix (8-9 9:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼

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