(引用 西东南北风:其实,除了隐性窗花还有其他办法可以代替,人家也无法干涉, 如可收缩卷帘. 更好的是 可移动窗户--关上时是全封闭,打开时是全open(如这样的h...)我有朋友装了你说的那种移动窗户在阳台上挡雨,被拆除了。就是要open...[妈妈宝宝 (8-24 11:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼
(引用 妈妈宝宝:我有朋友装了你说的那种移动窗户在阳台上挡雨,被拆除了。就是要open...)很多项目的发展商都装啊这个去BCA备个案比较好
顺便问下,谁有权利来拆啊?[西东南北风 (8-24 11:38, Long long ago)]
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(引用 武汉伢:这种真的可以吗?@DengWei @=_=||可以的话就不会那么多人装invisible grille了吧)去看city scape的showflat,这是作为一卖点来退的12345[西东南北风 (8-24 11:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼
(引用 武汉伢:这种真的可以吗?@DengWei @=_=||可以的话就不会那么多人装invisible grille了吧)smart window 我见过有一个公寓装,其他都没有。URA不禁止,但是看MCST的规定
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[DengWei (8-25 6:39, Long long ago)]
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(引用 DengWei:smart window 我见过有一个公寓装,其他都没有。URA不禁止,但是看MCST的规定 ...)现在还有这样的东西是不是上面的部分在不用的时候是可以收起来的? [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [love962397 (8-25 8:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]25楼
(引用 love962397:现在还有这样的东西是不是上面的部分在不用的时候是可以收起来的?)整个阳台都是被和阳台一样高度的玻璃一片一片包起来的,可以拆下每片玻璃。
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[DengWei (8-25 8:53, Long long ago)]
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(引用 love962397:现在还有这样的东西是不是上面的部分在不用的时候是可以收起来的?)这种很早就有了吧国内很常见呢,冬天有太阳的时候关上窗子像温室一样好舒服。一直听说坡里不让装,以为是政府规定,原来又是mcst功劳… [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [武汉伢 (8-25 8:59, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]27楼
(引用 武汉伢:这种很早就有了吧国内很常见呢,冬天有太阳的时候关上窗子像温室一样好舒服。一直听说坡里不让装,以为是政府规定,原来又是mcst功劳…)我要去问问我们这里给不给装谢谢啦! [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [love962397 (8-25 9:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]28楼
海峡时报刊登的BCA director 的权威恢复All owners have a say in condo management
Aug 22, 2016
We refer to recent letters on condo management.
The Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act (BMSMA) provides a framework to allow management corporations (MCSTs), which comprise all unit owners within the development, to manage their own estates.
The MCST is required to elect a management council from among the unit owners to administer the day-to-day running of the estate.
Council members are required under the BMSMA to serve the owners' collective interests and to exercise reasonable diligence in discharging their duties.
Specifically, the BMSMA framework requires MCSTs to ensure that a resolution is passed in a general meeting to approve the use of MCST funds for works involving additional facilities or improvements to common property.
In each financial year, to ensure accountability of the funds used, all MCSTs are required to engage a public accountant to audit their accounts.
The statement of accounts must be tabled and presented to all subsidiary proprietors at the annual general meeting (AGM).
In addition to provisions under the BMSMA, MCSTs can voluntarily put in place internal controls, such as specifying the minimum number of quotations for procurement or requiring different levels of signatories for the signing of cheques, to ensure good fiscal governance.
For transparency, procedures for internal controls can be proposed at a general meeting and subsequently decided upon by the general body.
All owners have a say in the management of their estates.
The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) encourages owners to attend AGMs and participate in the decision-making process.
If an owner believes that the AGM has not been properly conducted or a resolution has been improperly passed, he can make an application to the Strata Titles Boards or go to the courts.
The Strata Titles Boards is established under the BMSMA to mediate, hear and make an order for the settlement of disputes between the MCST and subsidiary proprietors, or between subsidiary proprietors.
The MCST may appoint a managing agent under a private agreement to help in the daily operations of the estate.
To raise the standards and professionalism of managing agents, BCA is in discussion with the industry to consider implementing a training scheme for managing agents.
BCA is also reviewing the system of the appointment of proxies to ensure better transparency and to impose greater accountability on both the proxy giver and the proxy holder.
Lim Chong Yong
Building Management Department
Building Plan and Management Group
Building and Construction Authority[redhill123 (8-30 14:04, Long long ago)]
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(引用 redhill123:海峡时报刊登的BCA director 的权威恢复All owners have a say in condo management Aug 22, 2016 We refer to recent letters on con...)Thank you very much![妈妈宝宝 (8-30 14:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]30楼
我所知道的condo纠纷一般都是在 mcst规则下无所不用其极:打倒主席,自己当选,修改规则等等等等。属于人民内部矛盾。
如果跳出Mcst,例如找bca, 请律师打官司,坡人一般都会认为大家都是输家。属于敌我矛盾。
[leciel (8-30 15:52, Long long ago)]
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