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外国人投资公寓,需要还22%的income tax?
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外国人投资公寓,需要还22%的income tax?听说外国人投资公寓,除了房产税,还需要交租金22%的income tax。想问一下大家这个有什么办法可以waive掉吗?

如果不可以waive掉,每年要交房产税,maintenance fee,和22%的个人所得税,再加上买房时的additional ABSD,基本上外国人买房投资没赚多少钱了。。

该帖荣获当日十大第3,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2020-05-07 22:00:01。
 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [hahacandy_2015 (5-6 23:32, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

外国人投资房子赚钱是建立在本地人忍受高房价的痛苦上的恕不答[逃课专家 (5-6 23:57, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

外国买家现在买房集中在豪宅的比较多另外 22%个税是租金扣掉贷款利息 管理费 地产税和其他成本后的部分。  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [-_-|| (5-6 23:59, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

如果已经买了,那就依法纳税如果还没买,就谨慎考虑,政府这些措施就是不鼓励炒房啊  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [中级民工 (5-7 0:01, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

房产税,贷款利息,管理费,装修等费用可以冲销所得。iras上有清单。[lioncity_sg (5-7 0:10, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

你这说的好像本地人不用交租金的income tax一样本地人一样要交,看收入高低,收入高的也得交22%[kcowen (5-7 0:21, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

(引用 -_-||:外国买家现在买房集中在豪宅的比较多另外 22%个税是租金扣掉贷款利息 管理费 地产税和其他成本后的部分。)全款买的岂不是要多交税?  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [功夫熊猫 (5-7 9:46, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 功夫熊猫:全款买的岂不是要多交税?)对啊投资的话必然贷款
[-_-|| (5-7 9:48, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼


The table below lists allowable and non-allowable rental expenses*:
Type of Expense Allowable Expenses
Non Allowable Expenses
Housing loans
Interest paid on the loan or mortgage taken to purchase the property that is rented out. (See Note 1)
Repayments of the principal loan or mortgage amount (monthly instalments).

Penalty imposed by banks for late repayment of loans.
Property tax
Incurred during the rental period (e.g. property tax paid for year 2019, on property rented out in 2019).
Incurred outside the rental period.

Penalty imposed for late payment or non-payment of property tax.

Balance brought forward from previous year's property tax.
Fire insurance
Premiums paid on fire insurance.
Capital sum assured on property.
Repairs done during the rental period to restore the property to its original state.
Initial repairs before the property was rented out.

Repairs done which result in improvement/additions and alterations.

Repairs incurred outside rental period.
Cost of maintaining the property (e.g. painting, pest control, monthly maintenance charges to management corporations).
Cost of renovation, additions, alterations to the property (e.g. extension of car porch, construction of drains, cementing of walls and floors, installation of window grilles).
Costs of securing tenant
Agent's commission, advertising, legal expenses and stamp duties for getting subsequent tenants.

Agent's commission, advertising, legal expenses and stamp duties for getting the first tenant of an additional property is deductible against the rental income of that property (See Example 3).
Agent's commission, advertising, legal expenses and stamp duties for getting the first tenant (See Note 2).
Costs of supervision or management fees
Costs in engaging a third party (e.g. property agent / company) to carry out activities such as ensuring rentals are paid promptly, maintenance and upkeep of the properties and attending to tenants queries and complaints.

Where the management fees is paid to a related party (e.g. relatives or own company), owners need to justify that the amount paid is at market rate and commensurate with the services rendered.
Furniture and fittings
Replacements of furnishings (e.g. furniture, fixtures, electrical appliances) to its original state.
Hiring of furniture.
Depreciation of furnishings (e.g. furniture, fixtures, electrical appliances).

New improvements/additions made to furnishings (e.g. furniture, fixtures, electrical appliances).
Internet charges/expenses
Paid on behalf of tenant (as long as it is not reimbursed by tenant subsequently).
Paid on behalf of tenant and reimbursed by tenant subsequently.
Utility expenses
Paid on behalf of tenant (as long as not reimbursed by tenant subsequently).
Paid on behalf of tenant and reimbursed by tenant subsequently.
Expenses incurred on properties that are not generating rental income
The relevant expenses incurred on such properties e.g. rent, utilities, maintenance paid for own accommodation/a vacant property, etc. cannot be claimed against the rental income generated from other properties as the expenses are capital and private in nature. (See Note 3).
*You are required to keep the supporting documents for at least 5 years for verification purposes.
via https://www.iras.gov.sg/irashome/Individuals/Locals/Working-Out-Your-Taxes/What-is-Taxable-What-is-Not/Rental-Income-and-Expenses/

此外 iras还提供了一个excel你填入你的租金和各方面的开销的帮你算 net rent
[功夫熊猫 (5-7 10:10, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

我所知的有幾個親戚的朋友買了商鋪之後利息比租金高,一毛稅都不交  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [astrid (5-7 14:32, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

(引用 -_-||:外国买家现在买房集中在豪宅的比较多另外 22%个税是租金扣掉贷款利息 管理费 地产税和其他成本后的部分。)外国人怎么定义啊?PR算外国人吗?
[KBLBJ321 (5-7 21:51, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

(引用 KBLBJ321:外国人怎么定义啊?PR算外国人吗? 如果买的时候是PR,卖的时候不是PR又算外国人吗?)这里在讨论出租收入的个人所得税跟买卖没有关系。
公民PR外国人卖房正常情况下是不用income tax的。

[-_-|| (5-7 22:14, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

(引用 KBLBJ321:外国人怎么定义啊?PR算外国人吗? 如果买的时候是PR,卖的时候不是PR又算外国人吗?)PR不算PR不算,应该是指non-resident of singapore. 下面是IRAS写的:

Income tax rates depend on an individual's tax residency status. You will be treated as a tax resident for a particular Year of Assessment (YA) if you are a:

Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) who resides in Singapore except for temporary absences; or
Foreigner who has stayed / worked in Singapore (excludes director of a company) for 183 days or more in the year preceding the YA.
Otherwise, you will be treated as a non-resident of Singapore for tax purposes.
 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [hahacandy_2015 (5-7 23:47, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

外国人在其他移民国家也是需要走INCOME TAX的。新加坡还算良心。[小土 (5-8 11:31, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

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