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[Up to 28% for GrabHitch Driver- Partners @ All Stations]
Is it true that GrabHitch Driver-Partners can enjoy up to 28% saving for their fuel purchase at any service station?!
Available from now till 30 June 2022, GrabHitch Driver-Partners can enjoy 24%(Bukit Timah)/23%(Yishun and Woodlands) upfront discount + $2 off Every $50 Gross Fuel Purchase (up to 4%).
What are you waiting for? Share this deal with all your GrabHitch kakis and head on over to your nearest Sinopec station now!
#LetsGoAnywhere #SinopecSG #ILoveSinopecPromo #ForgetTheMaths
1. Promotion is valid from 1 June 2022 (00:00) till 30 June 2022 (23:59) at Sinopec Hong Kong (Singapore) Pte Ltd (¡°SINOPEC¡±) service stations (Address: (1) Yishun Service Station: 301 Yishun Avenue 1 Singapore 769141, (2) Bukit Timah Service Station: 623A Bukit Timah Road Singapore 269733, near Hwa Chong Institution) and (3) Woodlands service station: 150 Woodlands Avenue 5 Singapore 739375.
2. Drivers who wish to enjoy the Promotion must present his or her Hitch driver profile and the Sinopec offer on the Hitch Club widget on the Grab app to SINOPEC¡¯s relevant employee at the SINOPEC petrol station before payment.
3. Discount will be applicable to any grade of petrol and diesel and applied on list prices of fuel purchased at SINOPEC services stations when the transaction is made.
4. This promotion cannot be combined with other SINOPEC¡¯s promotional offers, unless otherwise stated.
5. This promotion is subjected to the listed prices at SINOPEC services stations while the transaction is made.
6. All disputes will be subjected to the final decision of SINOPEC. SINOPEC reserves the rights to change the above terms and conditions without further notice.
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