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[灌可乐] A Little Night Music by Stephen Sondheim
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[灌可乐] A Little Night Music by Stephen Sondheim今天身体不好宅在家里,一天没有作为,于是决定来浇灌可乐一桶。。

11月中旬去看了Sondheim的音乐剧A Little Night Music,歌词写得很逗。尤其是某贵族夫人,毒舌真是不输给龙堂家的老二啊(话说你这样说话有人知道你在说神马么?),可惜唱词太少。。




[马甲甲甲 (11-22 18:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

加送:Stephen Sondheim & Andrew Lloyd Webber很欢乐地在一起。。最著名的两位音乐剧作家庆祝最著名的音乐剧制作人的职业生涯。。

[马甲甲甲 (11-22 18:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

Send in the Clowns完全被Judi Dench的这个版本震撼住。嗯。

嗯?Judi Dench是谁?别跟我说侬木有看过007。。

[马甲甲甲 (11-22 18:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

The Miller's Son我看的现场版本是个黑人姑娘,身材好嗓子好唱跳俱佳,口水哗哗哗。。

[马甲甲甲 (11-22 18:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

In Praise of Women首先声明我只把这部戏当肥皂剧看所以任何可能冒犯到某些人的台词大家请笑笑就过去吧。。

这首歌的歌词很隐晦所以有必要提一下前情: 男主发现女主到他住的镇上来演出,就跑去想,额,叙旧,女主的现情人正好也来找女主,男主找了个借口说我是她妈老人家的律师我是来找她签些重要的法律文件的,于是相当和平地被踢出去了。。

[马甲甲甲 (11-22 18:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

The Glamorous Life首先声明我只把这部戏当肥皂剧看所以任何可能冒犯到某些人的台词大家请笑笑就过去吧。。

[马甲甲甲 (11-22 18:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼


[马甲甲甲 (11-22 18:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 马甲甲甲:Later这个歌我很喜欢。。那个男高音一彪上去真是超给力的。。 ...)歌词[HENRIK](即各种纠结地暗恋着自己小妈的青年学生,在家里是个插不上话永远被当空气无视的受气包,连熟女女仆姐姐都敢欺负他)

When is later?
All you ever hear is "Later, Henrik, Henrik, later."
"Yes, we know, Henrik,
Oh, Henrik, Everyone agrees, Henrik, Please, Henrik!"
You have a thought you're fairly bursting with,
A personal discovery or problem, and it's:
"What's your rush, Henrik?
Shush, Henrik!
Goodness, how you gush, Henrik!
Hush, Henrik!"
You murmur:
"I only-- It's just that--"
"For God's sake, later, Henrik!"
"Henrik... Who is Henrik?
Oh, that lawyer's son, the one who mumbles.
Short and boring,
Yes, he's hardly worth ignoring,
And who cares if he's all dammed--"
I beg your pardon--
"Up inside?"
As I've often stated,
It's intolerable being tolerated.
"Reassure Henrik, Poor Henrik. Henrik, you'll endure
Being pure, Henrik."
Though I've been born, I've never been!
How can I wait around for later?
I'll be ninety on my deathbead
And the late, or, rather, later, Henrik Egerman.
Doesn't anything begin?
[马甲甲甲 (11-22 21:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 马甲甲甲:The Glamorous Life首先声明我只把这部戏当肥皂剧看所以任何可能冒犯到某些人的台词大家请笑笑就过去吧。。 ...)歌词[FREDRIKA](男主和女主N年前的私生女,年龄不明的小萝莉。。)

Ordinary mothers lead ordinary lives,
Keep the house and sweep the parlor,
Cook the meals and look exhausted.
Ordinary mothers, like ordinary wives,
Fry the eggs and dry the sheets
And try to deal with facts--
Mine acts!


Darling, I miss you a lot,
But, darling, this has to be short,
As mother is getting a plaque
From the Halsingborg Arts Council Amateur Theatre Group.
Whether it's funny or not,
I'll give you a fuller report
The minute they carry me back
From the Halsingborg Arts Council Amateur Theatre Group.
Love you.


Unpack the luggage, la la la,
Pack up the luggage, la la la,
Unpack the luggage, la la la,
Hi-ho, the glamorous life!


Ice in the basin, la la la,


Cracks in the plaster, la la la,


Mice in the hallway, la la la,


Hi-ho, the glamorous life!
Run for the carriage, la la la,
Wolf down the sandwich, la la la,
Which town is this one, la la la,
Hi-ho, the glamorous life!

[MADAME ARMFELDT:](女主的妈,能量巨大一老太太。。)

Ordinary daughters ameliorate their lot,
Use their charms and choose their futures,
Breed their children, heed their mothers.
Ordinary daughters, which mine, I fear, is not,
Tend each asset, spend it wisely
While it still endures--
Mine tours!


Mother, forgive the delay.
My schedule is driving me wild.
But, mother, I really must run--
I'm performing in Rottwig, and don't ask "where is it,"
How are you feeling today?
And are you corrupting the child?
Mother, the minute I'm done
With performing in Rottwig,
I'll come for a visit
And argue.


Mayors with speeches, la la la,
Children with posies, la la la,
Half-empty houses, la la la,
Hi-ho, the glamorous life!


Cultural lunches,


La la la,


Dead floral tributes,


La la la,


Ancient admirers,


La la la,
Hi-ho, the glamorous life.


Pack up the luggage, la la la,
Unpack the luggage, la la la,
Mother's surviving, la la la,
Leading the glamorous life.
Cracks in the plaster, la la la,
Youngish admirers, la la la,
Which one was that one, la la la,
Hi-ho, the glamorous life.


Bring up the curtain, la la la,
Bring down the curtain, la la la,
Bring up the curtain, la la la,
Hi-ho, the glamorous...


[马甲甲甲 (11-22 22:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

(引用 马甲甲甲:In Praise of Women首先声明我只把这部戏当肥皂剧看所以任何可能冒犯到某些人的台词大家请笑笑就过去吧。。 这首歌的歌词很隐晦所以有 ...)歌词[CARL-MAGNUS](女主的现任情人,是个军人/贵族,但是似乎比较的那么头脑简单五肢发达。。Charlotte是他正房老婆)

She wouldn't...therefore they didn't...
So then it wasn't...not unless it...would she?
She doesn't...
God knows she needn't...therefore it's not.
He'd never...therefore they haven't...
Which makes the question absolutely...could she?
She daren't...therefore I mustn't...what utter rot!
Fidelity is more than mere display;
It's what a man expects from life.
Fidelity like mine to
And Charlotte, my devoted wife.
The papers...he mentioned papers,
Some legal papers which I didn't see there.
Where were they, the goddamn papers she had to sign?
What nonsense!
He brought her papers,
They were important, so he had to be there.
I'll kill him!...
Why should I bother?
The woman's mine!
Besides, no matter what one might infer,
One must have faith to some degree.
The least that I can do is trust in her
The way that Charlotte trusts in me.
Capable, pliable
Women, women...
Understanding and reliable,
Knowing their place.
Insufferable, yes, but gentle,
Their weaknesses are incidental.
A functional but ornamental
Durable, sensible
Women, women...
Very nearly indispensable
Creatures of grace.
God knows the foolishness about them,
But if one had to live without them,
The world would surely be a poorer,
If purer,
The hip-bath...about that hip-bath...
How can you slip and trip into a hip-bath?
The papers...where were the papers?
Of course, he might have taken back the papers.
She wouldn't...therefore they didn't...
The woman's mine!
[马甲甲甲 (11-22 22:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

(引用 马甲甲甲:The Miller's Son我看的现场版本是个黑人姑娘,身材好嗓子好唱跳俱佳,口水哗哗哗。。 ...)歌词PETRA: (就是很给力的熟女女仆姐姐啦。。和老太太的男仆一见面便看对了眼然后就很哈皮地滚干草堆去鸟。。)

I shall marry the miller's son,
Pin my hat on a nice piece of property.
Friday nights, for a bit of fun,
We'll go dancing.

It's a wink and a wiggle and a giggle in the grass
And I'll trip the light fandango,
A pinch and a diddle in the middle of what passes by.
It's a very short road
From the pinch and the punch
To the paunch and the pouch
And the pension.
It's a very short road
To the ten thousandth lunch
And the belch and the grouch
And the sigh.
In the meanwhile,
There are mouths to be kissed
Before mouths to be fed,
And a lot in between
In the meanwhile.
And a girl ought to celebrate what passes by.

Or I shall marry the businessman,
Five fat babies and lots of security.
Friday nights, if we think we can,
We'll go dancing.

It's a push and a fumble and a tumble in the sheets
And I'll foot the highland fancy,
A dip in the butter and a flutter with what meets my eye.
It's a very short fetch
From the push and the whoop
To the squint and the stoop
And the mumble.
It's not much of a stretch
To the cribs and the croup
And the bosoms that droop
And go dry.
In the meanwhile,
There are mouths to be kissed
Before mouths to be fed,
And there's many a tryst
And there's many a bed
To be sampled and seen
In the meanwhile.
And a girl has to celebrate what passes by.

Or I shall marry the Prince of Wales,
Pearls and servants and dressing for festivals.
Friday nights, with him all in tails,
We'll have dancing.

It's a rip in the bustle and a rustle in the hay
And I'll pitch the quick fantastic,
With flings of confetti and my petticoats away up high.
It's a very short way
From the fling that's for fun
To the thigh pressing un-
Der the table.
It's a very short day
Till you're stuck with just one
Or it has to be done
On the sly.
In the meanwhile,
There are mouths to be kissed
Before mouths to be fed,
And there's many a tryst
And there's many a bed,
There's a lot I'll have missed
But I'll not have been dead
When I die!
And a person should celebrate everything
Passing by.

And I shall marry the miller's son...
[马甲甲甲 (11-22 22:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

(引用 马甲甲甲:Send in the Clowns完全被Judi Dench的这个版本震撼住。嗯。 嗯?Judi Dench是谁?别跟我说侬木有看过007。。 ...)歌词[DESIREE] (女主)

Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?
Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air.
Send in the clowns.

Isn't it bliss?
Don't you approve?
One who keeps tearing around,
One who can't move.
Where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.

Just when I'd stopped opening doors,
Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours,
Making my entrance again with my usual flair,
Sure of my lines,
No one is there.

Don't you love farce?
My fault I fear.
I thought that you'd want what I want.
Sorry, my dear.
But where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns.
Don't bother, they're here.


Desiree I should've never come.
I'm sorry.
To flirt with rescue when one has no intention of being saved.
Please try to forgive me.


Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer,
Losing my timing this late
In my career?
And where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns.
Well, maybe next year.
[马甲甲甲 (11-22 22:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

(引用 马甲甲甲:加送:Stephen Sondheim & Andrew Lloyd Webber很欢乐地在一起。。最著名的两位音乐剧作家庆祝最著名的音乐剧制作人的职业生涯。。 So ...)极其欢乐的歌词这位金牌制作人的名字是Cameron Mackintosh.


When Cameron asked me to devise something this evening,
that would be heartfelt but inexpensive,
I came up with a notion that involved two pianos.
He said he was running over budget and he could only afford one.
But I still needed a second pianist,
somebody who would sing a little
and play a little and who felt about Cameron
the way I did and would work for nothing.
I finally found somebody
but he had another gig this weekend,
and so we taped the piece instead and so,
here it is.


Isn't he rich?
Isn't he square?
Isn't he counting the house
Somewhere out there?

Send in the crowds!

Acts on his whims.
Take a big chance.
Seeing his anagram said
Cameron, the man's.
He went to France.

Send in the crowds!

Night time falling,
Cameron keeps calling.
Posing questions,
questions with suggestions.
Suddenly appearing,
forever interfering,
but here we are and cheearing as we might
the man who flogged the music of tonight!

Isn't kitsch?
Sometimes it's crass!
That's when he says to himself:
Bring in the class.

Send in the crowds! (Tea!)
Get me the Crown!

Always in charge, (still sketching and signs them)
making things long. (then he redesigns them)
How generous he's been to underwrite
the overwritten music of tonight!

God but he's rich!
(Richer than me...)
Lucky he never grows up,
or where would we be?
Thank you for scenes.
Let's do this again.
You're out of your mind!
Well, maybe next year?


Your Royal Highnesses,
forgive me for the fact that we had to film that,
but I'm working on my day job around the corner
with a new venture of my own.
Cameron, I can only say to you,
my dear friend Cameron, you are unique,
you are one of the extraordinary people
who has ever worked for musical theater.
When musical theater in England
was never really something that people
were really talking about too much.
I guess funny enough it was you and I.
You said something to me the other day at lunch,
which I will not forget.
You said when all the other people have given up,
you and I will stil be around.
The fact is,
I owe you a great deal, Cameron,
and the whole of musical theater owes you a huge debt.
Thank you very, very much for all you've done for me.
[马甲甲甲 (11-22 23:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

生病了还跑来发帖,真乖^_^[linda1113 (11-23 0:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

(引用 linda1113:生病了还跑来发帖,真乖^_^)咳~昨儿睡了一整天,再不灌桶水的话,一点生产力都木有。。=.=[马甲甲甲 (11-23 13:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼

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