所在版块:意见公告 发贴时间:2003-03-11 15:11

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Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.
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建议:华新论坛能有更大的改革! 虫哥   (472 bytes , 901reads )
我不同意。 Spring   (77 bytes , 202reads )
是的,内容更重于形式--但 虫哥   (110 bytes , 199reads )
个人感觉那种论坛很不好 flybird111   (188 bytes , 222reads )
个人看法 冷色蓝天   (217 bytes , 237reads )
ok.换一种更强大的论坛形式=拔苗助长? 虫哥   (118 bytes , 218reads )
更强大的论坛形式是需要的?但 冷色蓝天   (132 bytes , 186reads )
哈哈,有志气!也好啊! 虫哥   (102 bytes , 202reads )
yes! ding! 死跑龙套的   (0 bytes , 209reads )
既然说到游戏 冷色蓝天   (76 bytes , 186reads )
呵呵,=农民去搞人家大象兵? 虫哥   (75 bytes , 188reads )
哦,不要误解,只是帝国游戏里的农民、大象 虫哥   (52 bytes , 182reads )
偶孤陋寡闻了,偶道歉 冷色蓝天   (0 bytes , 173reads )
??请解释你的标题!! 冷色蓝天   (88 bytes , 190reads )
他指的是帝国吧。。。不是什么污辱性的语言 Spring   (0 bytes , 227reads )
握手,差点被误解了:( 虫哥   (24 bytes , 167reads )
Sorry 冷色蓝天   (59 bytes , 169reads )
请看他的标题!! 冷色蓝天   (163 bytes , 180reads )
呵呵。。。想必你想多了些。。。 Spring   (36 bytes , 199reads )
见笑了,偶不玩帝国... 冷色蓝天   (0 bytes , 166reads )
哦,那个字?你不喜欢?sorry 啦 虫哥   (0 bytes , 159reads )
Sorry 冷色蓝天   (0 bytes , 164reads )
Welcome 虫哥   (0 bytes , 181reads )
召集所有母牛一起来顶!!!! 小母牛开大会   (0 bytes , 232reads )
偶来了!! 小母牛儿吹泡泡   (0 bytes , 215reads )
what you suggest is a drastic change for huasing 大象   (32 bytes , 213reads )
管理层要学会虚心接受建议与意见, 小母牛开大会   (36 bytes , 175reads )
就事论事。不谈其他。 虫哥   (0 bytes , 151reads )
drastic,hehe, but more cheerful 虫哥   (205 bytes , 249reads )