所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2005-10-30 21:44

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异族代言人 The most unpleasant thing about human beings is that they don't metamorphose. Your people and mine are born as grubs, but we transform ourselves into a higher form before we reproduce. Human beings remain grubs all their lives.-- 《Xenocide》
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【桐音别馆】早前已在意见申请注销id了。 青锋   (134 bytes , 1497reads )
一句话, 缺少点佛性。 watercooler   (251 bytes , 289reads )
“她”生气?高兴还来不及呢。 materialist   (79 bytes , 328reads )
不厚道了吧 省思   (80 bytes , 234reads )
男生。 沈喑   (0 bytes , 234reads )
哦。。。。 watercooler   (163 bytes , 227reads )
锁麟囊到底是男的还是女的啊?? 明月楼   (41 bytes , 247reads )
这件问题,得让他自己来回答啊~~ 黛玉   (89 bytes , 291reads )
无语,件->个~ 黛玉   (0 bytes , 223reads )
想起也许是不相关的几件事 子非鱼   (1180 bytes , 305reads )
朋友是朋友 黛玉   (883 bytes , 327reads )
嗯,有意思。周末快结束了,但我们俩病都好转、现在终于可以愉快了。 沈喑   (118 bytes , 258reads )
保重~~ 黛玉   (0 bytes , 188reads )
啊!你真的要保重啦! materialist   (169 bytes , 232reads )
抄袭偶老人家的作派 省思   (64 bytes , 244reads )
清者自清,何关去留? 沈喑   (623 bytes , 293reads )
老顽童转回来小声说 省思   (226 bytes , 281reads )
勿忧勿忧 省思   (240 bytes , 272reads )
共勉啊!保重啊! materialist   (20 bytes , 275reads )
杵头子下来了好安根 香陵居士   (18 bytes , 350reads )
念储了吧? 省思   (36 bytes , 252reads )
后会有期 张辽   (32 bytes , 246reads )
再骂你一句:看见个喜欢胡搅蛮缠的就把你吓跑了,成不了什么大事。 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 270reads )
慢走慢走 materialist   (160 bytes , 266reads )
香陵居士:(唱〔西皮慢流水〕)叫一声青锋且慢行,老汉言来你且听。 香陵居士   (393 bytes , 357reads )
青锋性情中人 黛玉   (773 bytes , 333reads )
不要走,我支持你。 sarah   (641 bytes , 308reads )
嗯,有点锦帼须眉的架式 省思   (847 bytes , 316reads )
俗语说的好,‘千里搭长棚,没有个不散的筵席’ 黛玉   (1972 bytes , 436reads )
偶觉着吧 含瀛三修   (343 bytes , 474reads )
“作了两个和尚了,我从今以后都记着你作和尚的遭数儿。” 跳舞的妖精   (121 bytes , 397reads )
首先申明,此贴与我无关。 黛玉   (288 bytes , 310reads )
在此再次挽留 ^自由鸟^   (58 bytes , 259reads )
后会有期 省思   (158 bytes , 288reads )