所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-09-07 23:21

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If you are like most companies, you may have older equipment piling up in warehouses. Worse yet, you may be using the outdated equipment anyway, which prevents you from acquiring a more updated and useful solution. The hidden and direct costs of warehousing or extending the life of truly obsolete IT assets can be overwhelming.
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感叹一下…… 顽石   (206 bytes , 954reads )
哪有那么多啊,热身的不算哦~~~ 黑夜雨   (0 bytes , 132reads )
6次???guigui你跟我撒谎了。。。 隐藏的电影   (0 bytes , 194reads )
有这么玄?发个照片给大家瞧瞧。。。 krustallos   (25 bytes , 245reads )
偶不喜欢乱发照片。。。对不起了。。。而且 guigui   (18 bytes , 271reads )
谦虚,谦虚 krustallos   (26 bytes , 175reads )
这个狠……顶! 顽石   (0 bytes , 155reads )
抓狂中。。。你这样会被人以为是我的马甲的。。。 guigui   (0 bytes , 143reads )
不可能的,那天广播时,在心情对你最bt就是这个ID了。。。 s-fox   (1 bytes , 152reads )
其实我也不怎么明白,不过我已经很少再想这个问题了 guigui   (93 bytes , 245reads )
善良的人总会找到幸福的 dolphin   (26 bytes , 224reads )
昨晚NUS Sports Club AGM 看见了Dolphin R@bbit   (10 bytes , 349reads )
wahhhh~~~~~ dolphin   (76 bytes , 259reads )
i am an anonymous guy on ur left side, R@bbit   (50 bytes , 272reads )
这……传说中huasing唯一一个不bt guigui滴淫终于出现了!过来瞧瞧!:) calvin   (6 bytes , 158reads )
4242,人家是厚道人。。。 guigui   (0 bytes , 157reads )
=) 谢 guigui   (0 bytes , 178reads )
kao!!!我不至于混得这么差吧……怎么说也有将近1000分了阿……怎么会是你的马甲…… 顽石   (0 bytes , 162reads )
你去查一下偶的马甲“龟龟”有多少分,你还嫩呢目哈哈哈 guigui   (0 bytes , 152reads )
真的吗? dolphin   (40 bytes , 222reads )
忘问他拒绝过几个了……龟龟,你不会是喜欢拒绝别人和被别人拒绝的那种人吧。 拼了!   (1210 bytes , 314reads )
因为女生们都也没想明白,不好意思提出。于是就继续想 MrDJay   (0 bytes , 152reads )
此帖当顶!! 冰冻的薰衣草   (0 bytes , 128reads )
hoho calvin   (4 bytes , 150reads )