华新用户资料 -- krustallos |
用户昵称 |
krustallos |
性别 |
真实姓名 |
出生年月 |
2004-07-02 |
籍贯/出生地 |
所在学校 |
发帖次数 |
160 |
在线时间 |
109.8小时 |
用户等级 |
2 - 初出茅庐 |
经验值 |
351 |
华新财富 |
460 华新币 |
电子邮件 |
头像 |
签名档 |
If you are like most companies, you may have older equipment piling up in warehouses. Worse yet, you may be using the outdated equipment anyway, which prevents you from acquiring a more updated and useful solution. The hidden and direct costs of warehousing or extending the life of truly obsolete IT assets can be overwhelming.
if yes a link if no somewords
我的最热十贴 (有内容)