所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-09-08 23:28  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

If you are like most companies, you may have older equipment piling up in warehouses. Worse yet, you may be using the outdated equipment anyway, which prevents you from acquiring a more updated and useful solution. The hidden and direct costs of warehousing or extending the life of truly obsolete IT assets can be overwhelming.
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老婆明天过生日,求祝福!!! calvin   (614 bytes , 2316reads )
好男人呀好男人……够浪漫的好男人啊…… 侠气与醉狂   (68 bytes , 271reads )
我只能说,至少有mop网站的那天起就有这个招了... ajsux   (19 bytes , 291reads )
ajsux 我同情你…… 顽石   (0 bytes , 183reads )
楼上滴,偶帮女朋友求祝福,没碍着您什么事吧? calvin   (131 bytes , 261reads )
楼上滴,偶回朋友贴求BT,没碍着您什么事吧? ajsux   (0 bytes , 234reads )
求bt哈,bt..........啥意思你懂吗? calvin   (22 bytes , 272reads )
你这人挺无聊的...我就是回侠气与醉狂的贴..不知道你为什么抓住我不放 ajsux   (17 bytes , 241reads )
你表生气哦!!他是跟你闹着玩的!呵呵…… calvin   (40 bytes , 216reads )
hoho...不好意思啊!帖子不是我回的,我朋友用我的ID回的,他也是开玩笑的 calvin   (24 bytes , 186reads )
thx all the same calvin   (0 bytes , 310reads )
妈的,才吃了晚餐回来,感动一把…… 帅温柔   (48 bytes , 239reads )
hoho....谢啦!!! calvin   (0 bytes , 164reads )
凑个热闹。:) 小蹦   (54 bytes , 219reads )
sent 印象派   (0 bytes , 185reads )
also,hehe 印象派   (0 bytes , 165reads )
thx thx ...说了一晚上的谢谢,都不知道跟大家说什么了!呵呵…… calvin   (0 bytes , 174reads )
hehe....thx  calvin   (68 bytes , 222reads )
已发 Plum   (0 bytes , 177reads )
谢谢大家了!555……太感动了…… calvin   (0 bytes , 173reads )
发了。。 祝福你们两个哈 爬去洗个澡   (11 bytes , 219reads )
谢谢哦! calvin   (50 bytes , 167reads )
估计m1也会很感动的........ daxiang   (10 bytes , 162reads )
Message sent! wwly   (23 bytes , 216reads )
明天!!! calvin   (0 bytes , 161reads )
偶发的内容是: guigui   (183 bytes , 334reads )
谢谢哦! calvin   (14 bytes , 173reads )
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!--祝福祝福:) wwly   (55 bytes , 190reads )
hoho...thx calvin   (0 bytes , 146reads )
幸好看见的早啊,发了,这可是哥们第一个越洋短信,说吧,怎么谢谢哥们 帝释天   (0 bytes , 184reads )
专用骗分ID前来领分 陆冲   (0 bytes , 153reads )
和帝释天是一个人??? calvin   (0 bytes , 176reads )
hoho...谢谢哦 calvin   (0 bytes , 176reads )
有夫如此,夫复何求! 韦护   (44 bytes , 212reads )
应该是:有夫如此,妇复何求........ daxiang   (24 bytes , 240reads )
大象……火星了吧??? calvin   (0 bytes , 152reads )
夫复何求的夫是发语词,是虚词。 guigui   (0 bytes , 220reads )
253 253 了..... 拿麦的男生   (18 bytes , 181reads )
谢谢啦! calvin   (0 bytes , 172reads )
看你一片诚心。发了一个。 拼了!   (0 bytes , 148reads )
谢谢哦!谢谢哦! calvin   (14 bytes , 176reads )
我尊称成了她一声:美女~ 拼了!   (0 bytes , 159reads )
就算人家没我那么漂亮,说句美女也不用拼了吧.....汗 daxiang   (8 bytes , 166reads )
死daxiang,水果没有你的了! calvin   (0 bytes , 157reads )
在这里祝福一下,短信还是…… woshiyizhiyang   (6 bytes , 194reads )
也谢谢你哦! calvin   (0 bytes , 162reads )
这个一定要支持, 小伙子真强!祝福中。。。 s-fox   (28 bytes , 209reads )
一定一定 calvin   (8 bytes , 142reads )
hoho,偶也发了!^_^ 洋葱头   (0 bytes , 180reads )
thx very much calvin   (0 bytes , 175reads )
发了,要求贴照片,要合照 何必同志何必呢   (0 bytes , 146reads )
这……下次吧!呵呵…… calvin   (66 bytes , 198reads )
太感人了, krustallos   (44 bytes , 346reads )
hoho...thx calvin   (0 bytes , 180reads )
虽然不认识你,不过赞赏你的举动。祝福你们 贝利亚   (48 bytes , 213reads )
hoho...thx calvin   (0 bytes , 164reads )
虽说最近风声紧,可能被开有偿,不过我还是要说 daxiang   (93 bytes , 237reads )
小p孩,表瞎bt,小心看你有偿!hoho... calvin   (0 bytes , 207reads )
daxiang这个月过生日,求祝福!!! daxiang   (621 bytes , 228reads )
k,大象出来bt的早晚有一天是要还的!哦哈哈…… calvin   (24 bytes , 186reads )
daxiang,快想想怎么请我们好好吃一顿吧 wwly   (78 bytes , 229reads )
严重同意!hoho...大象请客! calvin   (0 bytes , 188reads )
好温馨,你lp一定很感动 dolphin   (0 bytes , 201reads )
谢谢谢谢…… calvin   (10 bytes , 161reads )
肯定好烦.......无数的短信...滴滴.滴滴... daxiang   (43 bytes , 173reads )
haha... dolphin   (40 bytes , 167reads )
只是希望她能有一个值得回忆的生日…… calvin   (0 bytes , 191reads )
真是用心良苦呀 dolphin   (0 bytes , 180reads )
message sent 红烧茄子   (33 bytes , 359reads )
请问高人是谁呀 能拜个师吗 发帖数+经验 好可怖哦 kutuda   (0 bytes , 167reads )
想一想怎样可以一夜暴富? 红烧茄子   (25 bytes , 174reads )
hoho...of course calvin   (0 bytes , 145reads )
难得有这么酷的小伙 黛玉   (95 bytes , 198reads )
谢谢哦! calvin   (0 bytes , 163reads )
刚刚发了,呵呵, lucyzcm   (130 bytes , 197reads )
谢谢了啊!感激ing calvin   (0 bytes , 149reads )
噢哈哈 祝福拉 8过。。。 kutuda   (34 bytes , 196reads )
出来bt早晚有一天要还滴!hoho... calvin   (0 bytes , 179reads )
我发喽!!~~~水果 水果 水果 水果 水果!!!! kutuda   (0 bytes , 167reads )
祝福祝福... 流氓兔兔   (14 bytes , 180reads )
兔姐姐......嘿嘿`-` daxiang   (4 bytes , 160reads )
我是 流氓兔兔   (29 bytes , 184reads )
thx thx thx thx thx........ calvin   (10 bytes , 171reads )
祝你们快乐啊!!! 流动的寂寞   (102 bytes , 216reads )
谢谢哦!偶在这253了哦!hoho... calvin   (0 bytes , 158reads )
f發發發發/... AXL   (20 bytes , 217reads )
哈哈……刚发现,bs一个 calvin   (0 bytes , 172reads )
axl 你的经验值好吉利阿 kutuda   (0 bytes , 164reads )
你表bt就有水果吃! calvin   (0 bytes , 194reads )
お誕生日 おめでとう 阿猫阿狗齐向前   (0 bytes , 176reads )
hoho...thx calvin   (0 bytes , 159reads )
?? calvin   (0 bytes , 209reads )
传说中版主一贴能当百贴啊,偶献上1万个祝福,就是一百万个了!! guigui   (48 bytes , 218reads )
hoho...给斑竹253了!hoho... calvin   (8 bytes , 170reads )
发了,不过是英文的。 灌装椰子泪泪   (52 bytes , 229reads )
谢谢楼上JJ了哦!hoho... calvin   (0 bytes , 200reads )
555……哭一个,每人回贴哦! calvin   (0 bytes , 180reads )
俺发了。水果就算了,明天俺课多 blackhawk   (90 bytes , 214reads )
谢谢了哦! calvin   (0 bytes , 161reads )
难为我!…… calvin   (0 bytes , 155reads )
当然要难为你一下了,人家第一次发这种短信,水果怎么购呢 哈哈 blackhawk   (18 bytes , 250reads )
hoho...还是谢谢你哦! calvin   (0 bytes , 187reads )
不谢不谢 我替他说了 超级牛仔   (0 bytes , 172reads )
这个是 胡胖子! 洋葱头   (0 bytes , 155reads )
u r ? calvin   (0 bytes , 170reads )