18/10 vs 18/8, with respect.
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-04-23 15:41

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
'18/10' is a designation used on some cutlery and holloware as an alternative to '18/8'. This designation is claimed to indicate a better quality steel than '18/8', and is essentially the same as the '304 (1.4301) grade . In practice the "10" does not indicate an actual higher Ni content and is purely a marketing ploy.
ref: http://www.bssa.org.uk/topics.php?article=91

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18/10 vs 18/8, with respect. materialist   (370 bytes , 76reads )
跪了 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 89reads )
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是平面的。不能用电磁炉。 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 83reads )
看着蛮平的感觉啊..是铁的就好了,哈哈 xiaohuituzhi   (28 bytes , 63reads )
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这锅是俩用的,既可以炒菜-大勺。也可以做汤-锅。 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 52reads )
我用类似的锅做海鲜意大利面 hulumama   (193 bytes , 61reads )
不错。烹饪的精髓在于对食物进行有效处理的能力,而非器材。 materialist   (77 bytes , 55reads )
完全同意 食器选自己喜欢的就好 森荣喜   (50 bytes , 51reads )
sorry,应该是比较级形式 sonata.zm   (16 bytes , 70reads )
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这个牌子也就是山寨品的高级形式 sonata.zm   (8 bytes , 52reads )
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哈哈 任重而道远 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 76reads )
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排烟罩的灯打到锅里就这效果了哈哈 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 54reads )
效果图3 森荣喜   (50 bytes , 96reads )
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Iphone 拍的。。 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 118reads )
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其实我到现在都不明白大勺和锅的区别。。请指点 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 79reads )
是不是大勺只有北方才这么叫 Duduhyd   (40 bytes , 75reads )
我家那里也叫大勺,又名马勺,酒楼里双儿的叫炒勺。 materialist   (365 bytes , 57reads )
我还以为大勺就是大的勺子等于大的汤匙 Eight   (16 bytes , 73reads )
大勺应该是北方话,专指炒菜的非平底锅 走走   (88 bytes , 71reads )
好吧 我的错 同学你赢了。 森荣喜   (0 bytes , 96reads )
这个是炒宽面条吗 春天来了   (18 bytes , 60reads )
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顺表带俩张效果图 森荣喜   (50 bytes , 105reads )