所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-12-12 00:48

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New York Daily News:




Woman accused of trying to bribe customs agent with sex at JFK Airport



A 55-year-old woman has been charged with offering sex to a Customs and Border Patrol officer if he would allow her adult daughter to pass through Kennedy Airport with undeclared goods valued at $160,000.


Hong Yang, a divorcee who lives in China, was arrested over the weekend for customs fraud by U.S. Homeland Security agents.

Yang had arrived on an Air France flight from Paris last July with her sister and her adult daughter who lives in Manhattan and is a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology.








Chinese woman charged with trying to bribe US customs officer with sex


A Chinese woman was charged in a Brooklyn Court on Monday (Dec 7) for offering to have sex with a US Customs and Border Protection officer if he would allow her daughter to bring undeclared goods into the country.


The incident took place in July and Hong Yang, 55, was arrested for the customs fraud last weekend by agents from the US Department of Homeland Security.






该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2015-12-12 22:00:03。

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