忘了PosBank 的 internet 帐号和密码, 怎么办?
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2003-11-24 14:36

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
很久以前在ATM上申请了一个帐号, 长时间没用, 再加上小弟生性糊涂, 竟然把帐号和密码全忘了, 怎么办? 哪位大侠给指点一二? 多谢先.

If you are like most companies, you may have older equipment piling up in warehouses. Worse yet, you may be using the outdated equipment anyway, which prevents you from acquiring a more updated and useful solution. The hidden and direct costs of warehousing or extending the life of truly obsolete IT assets can be overwhelming.
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忘了PosBank 的 internet 帐号和密码, 怎么办? krustallos   (122 bytes , 424reads )
拿你的帐户本本和护照去银行 柜台呗。。 辰星   (101 bytes , 233reads )
使劲把它想起来... 路人甲   (25 bytes , 282reads )
目前看来"使劲想起来"已经是mission impossible, krustallos   (63 bytes , 235reads )
去了就知道了贝. 路人甲   (56 bytes , 327reads )
老大, 当真? 可不可以轻轻问一句, krustallos   (107 bytes , 208reads )
Can one. Flying   (0 bytes , 184reads )