No. It is an opt-out plan
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2005-09-26 17:34  评分:

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Medisave is compulsory for all, no matter you are employed or self-employed, how much depended on your salary;

But Medishiedld is an opt-out plan, If you want to be out, you have to inform CPF, Otherwise they will let you take the basic plan. The premium starts from S$36 per year...

Strongly suggest all of us to take it: It is a hospitalization plan coving in case we are in hospital. You know, in singapore no too many people can afford the hospital bill if not coved by some insurance plans.

For another reasons, the CPF medisave can give us 4% interest rate every year, actually I think if you get s$1000 balance there, in another words, you can get a free coverage no need to pay your premium but only the interest from your medisave a/c.

But it is mainly used for some big bills since it has a deductable and a co-insurance. The basic plan is S$1000. That means, we only can claim the amount above this line. The Medishield plus plans now are operated by the NTUC and Great Eastern Life only. They provide us a better coverage but bigger deductable, such as s$2000 and s$2500.

For the changes after this July,can check from the web of CPF. Also from some Insurance companies.

If you want to go more details, you also can call me @ 9183 5798 for free.

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CPF局的那个Medishield有必要参加么? missilezy   (49 bytes , 722reads )
hu? I thought it is compulsory. Spring   (0 bytes , 264reads )
hehe, Medisave is compulsory, not Medishield 笑眯眯   (182 bytes , 319reads )
No. It is an opt-out plan kklab   (1264 bytes , 431reads )
it worthy a try - my opinion only 笑眯眯   (160 bytes , 358reads )
3x missilezy   (0 bytes , 217reads )