华新用户资料 -- kklab
用户昵称 kklab 性别
真实姓名   出生年月 2004-09-04
籍贯/出生地   所在学校 NUS 
发帖次数 109 在线时间 23.7小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 322
华新财富 426 华新币
头像 签名档
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我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
U'd better inform ICA  2005-11-15 12:59
U can download a software named Audacity  2005-09-29 10:29
No. It is an opt-out plan  2005-09-26 17:34
Actually no big difference  2005-09-04 21:08
you idea is the only way if u don't want to apply a visa.  2005-05-13 21:54
using the starhub bd would get better quality  2005-05-11 10:31
be careful to download movies, especially using the BT  2005-05-11 10:27
Using the SingNet 28.20/M for 30 hrs surfing  2005-04-15 19:00
It depends on you. Anyone is ok to convert if you satisfy their requirment  2005-04-10 14:55
帖子标题 花花 发表于
s$1.6/ 算给你批发价  2006-10-27 19:04
我有,请联系!  2006-10-27 19:00
I have one, pls contact  2006-01-15 21:38
Help! 在那里买的 CFA 考试用的计算器?  2005-12-18 19:52
各位在那里买的 CFA 考试用的计算器?  2005-12-18 18:52
寻找CFA 考试用的计算器?  2005-12-13 20:24
U'd better inform ICA  2005-11-15 12:59
请问有人知道哪里可以下载SPSS 或者SAS吗?  2005-10-14 15:02
U can download a software named Audacity  2005-09-29 10:29
No. It is an opt-out plan  2005-09-26 17:34