这边 DBS/OCBC 的Master/Visa 可以用吗
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2008-04-17 22:04

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If you are like most companies, you may have older equipment piling up in warehouses. Worse yet, you may be using the outdated equipment anyway, which prevents you from acquiring a more updated and useful solution. The hidden and direct costs of warehousing or extending the life of truly obsolete IT assets can be overwhelming.
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请问:没有任何国内的信用卡 krustallos   (36 bytes , 736reads )
你可以考虑向我们购买国内各城市间机票!94590594(JACKY) 快乐旅游   (284 bytes , 360reads )
你说的信用卡是指Master card or Visa Card吗 cnsg2004   (150 bytes , 389reads )
不可以啊,刚刚试了南航的网上订票 krustallos   (610 bytes , 928reads )
可以 noah   (54 bytes , 283reads )
你记错了吧,剩下的选项只有 krustallos   (264 bytes , 309reads )
可以的 nomadic   (135 bytes , 350reads )
不好意思,我也记不清了 nomadic   (50 bytes , 371reads )
海航电子支持Visa卡 spinach   (0 bytes , 271reads )
哦,那就不知道了 cnsg2004   (54 bytes , 237reads )
这边 DBS/OCBC 的Master/Visa 可以用吗 krustallos   (40 bytes , 897reads )
得看情况 noah   (167 bytes , 287reads )