所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2009-11-13 03:44

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As for CPF, I am quite sure Singapore is one of the few countries that has this. The 养老基金is not totally earned by you in case you dont understand how it works. Your employer will have to top up an additional 34.5% of your pay into your cpf.

Example your pay is $1000(for easy calculation),you will contribute $200(20%) and get $800 and your employer will pay $345(34.5%) extra into your cpf!
So as long as you stay as a Singaporean with a CPF, you get 34.5% extra credited to your CPF.
In case you dont know, CPF grows at a 4% rate every year. You will be shocked at how much you had be "forced to save" if you calculate.

The 34.5% from employers and the 4% growth rate is your 福利.


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