Orange tee 标准合约
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2018-06-04 00:47  更多评分:

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4. Provided always and it is expressly agreed as follows:

Default in Payment / Repossession /Termination
If the rent hereby reserved shall not be paid for seven (7) days after its due date or if there shall be a breach of any of the conditions, covenants or stipulations on the part of the Tenant herein contained, then and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful for the Landlord at anytime thereafter to re-enter and re-possess the premise or any part thereof and thereupon this agreement shall absolutely cease and determine but without prejudice to the right of action of the Landlord in respect of any unpaid rent or any antecedent breach of any of the Tenant’s covenants herein contained.

In the event the rent remaining unpaid seven (7) days after becoming payable (whether formally demanded or not), it shall be lawful for the Landlord to claim interest at ten percent (10%) per annum on the amount unpaid calculated from after the date due to the date of actual payment.


*Diplomatic Clause / Refund of Pro-rated Commission)
Notwithstanding anything herein contained, if at any time after the expiration of twelve (12) months from
the date of the commencement of this tenancy, the immediate occupant of the premises,
Mr _____________________________ shall be transferred out of the Republic of Singapore permanently by his firm, ceased to be employed by his firm or if for any cause whatsoever he shall be ordered to leave the Republic of Singapore, then and in such a case, it shall be lawful for the Tenant to determine this tenancy by giving not less than _____________ (____) months' advance notice (this is in addition to the twelve (12) months aforesaid) in writing to the Landlord or by paying _________________ (____) months' rent in lieu of such notice. Documentary evidence of such transfer, cessation or order shall be required and such notice shall be deemed to have commenced on such date as the Landlord shall have actually received such evidence.

If this agreement should be lawfully terminated by notice in writing by the Tenant before the expiry of the tenancy herein aforesaid, the Tenant shall refund to the Landlord, pro rata, the commission of Dollars ___________________________________________________________(S$_____________), paid by the Landlord to his real estate agency, Agency Licence No. of ORANGETEE & TIE PTE LTD. The Landlord shall be entitled to deduct such refund from the deposit held by the Landlord.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【法律咨询】因为离开新加坡要提前结束租房合约,目前没和房东谈妥 圆珠笔   (2469 bytes , 6696reads )
每个人的合同内容千差万别 南洋暴雪   (40 bytes , 40reads )
楼主不应该设定底线不底线的 hushpuppies   (166 bytes , 49reads )
房东不同意和扣commission不是正常的么? DavidXia20   (216 bytes , 87reads )
同意层主 爱新觉罗--小宝   (74 bytes , 32reads )
我也不懂为啥楼主觉得恼火 flyjc   (59 bytes , 31reads )
Diplomatic Clause需要住满一年 滚雪球   (288 bytes , 101reads )
一年的房子也可能有 vililytan   (364 bytes , 95reads )
这种合同可能租金会高 滚雪球   (54 bytes , 55reads )
滚雪球   (137 bytes , 68reads )
楼主,屋主是愿意和你商量的。 天涯在何方   (151 bytes , 39reads )
恩,我本来也是这样和我的中介讲的 圆珠笔   (395 bytes , 107reads )
重谈啊。就说既然要扣押金,那就房租算到搬走那天, 天涯在何方   (49 bytes , 110reads )
你要这么说的话那房东就说可以走合同 loveking   (22 bytes , 40reads )
恩好的,那我8月16日交给他最后一个月的租金吧 圆珠笔   (286 bytes , 72reads )
一直不明白楼主说的8月16给他最后一个月房租 loveking   (154 bytes , 105reads )
就为了200块 人在狮城2016   (30 bytes , 33reads )
也许有人还会觉得卖贵了 紧跟恬淡   (12 bytes , 42reads )
楼主如果打算一走了之请想清楚 大叔一名   (104 bytes , 36reads )
房客和房东纠纷是民事,警察管刑事 圆珠笔   (58 bytes , 98reads )
现在到八月十六还有一个半月呢 loveking   (0 bytes , 40reads )
楼主还在纠结啊 紧跟恬淡   (405 bytes , 50reads )
反正 robinz   (277 bytes , 69reads )
顶这楼 熊维妮   (20 bytes , 35reads )
看你的合同 笑天   (28 bytes , 32reads )
楼主要不要再好好研究下合约 紧跟恬淡   (100 bytes , 40reads )
那你告诉我那个lawfully是啥意思? 圆珠笔   (328 bytes , 75reads )
其实楼主你想怎么做 紧跟恬淡   (24 bytes , 49reads )
Orange tee 标准合约 紧跟恬淡   (2478 bytes , 55reads )
原来你在等我贴那个diplomatic clause 圆珠笔   (44 bytes , 132reads )
好的。关于提前解约的段落如下 圆珠笔   (64 bytes , 272reads )
OrangeTee sgpff   (28 bytes , 71reads )
目测还有其他条款 紧跟恬淡   (10 bytes , 41reads )
没有了,就那一段 圆珠笔   (112 bytes , 39reads )
楼主不妨 紧跟恬淡   (50 bytes , 37reads )
扯淡 押金是押金 月租是月租 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 39reads )