所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2004-03-04 15:45  评分:

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The guy/gal who made this statement is irresponsible.

I've seen a lot of girls doing fairly well, or even better than Guys in NTU, both EEE and SCE.

so do not steoretype and say that " female is not made to be engineers"

from a long run, engineering student are most widely acceptable for postgraduate study/ job in many areas of business.

================== True Racing Spirit~~
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
NTU和NUS的电子工程哪个好些呢? sunnyone   (47 bytes , 1347reads )
Thanks to you all! sunnyone   (44 bytes , 351reads )
NTU better BodyandSoul   (114 bytes , 463reads )
it is a personal opinion, really 爬去洗个澡   (29 bytes , 351reads )
你真的喜欢电子工程么?喜欢就上,不喜欢就不要上 香陵居士   (36 bytes , 455reads )
谁说的?? 小茄子   (497 bytes , 636reads )
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赫赫,咱们来比人数么。 小茄子   (0 bytes , 290reads )
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说得一点都没错,我也说一点吧 香陵居士   (1064 bytes , 408reads )
That's cool! I like it! sunnyone   (0 bytes , 266reads )
系统理论、控制论、实时理论 小新小白   (64 bytes , 290reads )
System Theory, Cybernetics, Real-time theory 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 328reads )
一个都没听说过。。。 小新小白   (64 bytes , 297reads )
EE will touch them 香陵居士   (34 bytes , 322reads )
(Y)!! felix   (0 bytes , 286reads )
这个问题要从micro和macro两个角度分析 庸人   (551 bytes , 559reads )
haha, logical!!!!!! sunnyone   (19 bytes , 295reads )
老兄,你的表达能力够…… 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 306reads )
.............. QQyu   (353 bytes , 462reads )