Some related information ....
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-07-01 19:45

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

I have some forms and help to collect forms until 11 July 2007.

from 卷心菜 :

Mr 柳国斌 is collecting all boonlay participating players list and will register together.

Mr 周祥杰 told me to register with Mr 陈运灏 (Chen Yun Hao) at mobile 81268112 before deadline of 10-Jul.

Because it says "invited" but nobody knows exactly who belong to "invited", 还有很多朋友不知道到底哪里报名,所以我帮着一起7月初报名。


I believe wenqishou and I belong to "invited" players.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
未来3个月的象棋活动 棋人生   (337 bytes , 1408reads )
50 players in 甘榜格南2007个人赛 (7月22日 & 29日) .... 棋人生   (29 bytes , 304reads )
好郁闷阿! yinan   (90 bytes , 313reads )
出了漏着反省就好,不要太自责。 几度   (408 bytes , 364reads )
There are several ways....t 网络蚂蚁   (155 bytes , 357reads )
没事儿,下星期天还有四轮,下好就行! 卷心菜   (12 bytes , 333reads )
I have one point only ....but still fighting .......... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 351reads )
Breakdown after 1st or 2nd Round ..... 棋人生   (683 bytes , 375reads )
赛程太紧,not fair for >50岁 players. 卷心菜   (78 bytes , 357reads )
Currently in the Top 20 after Round 4, there are ..... 棋人生   (575 bytes , 398reads )
2006 Results, 范国锋 has returned to China in Mar 2007 ..... 棋人生   (46 bytes , 352reads )
陈茂然这次比赛应该列三甲之内 棋仙   (20 bytes , 432reads )
Top 20 after Round 4 ...... 棋人生   (227 bytes , 366reads )
I have a check, .... 棋人生   (115 bytes , 397reads )
哈哈,梁至顺乙级果然4连胜高居榜首 卷心菜   (49 bytes , 324reads )
陈茂然 did not join this time ... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 358reads )
团体赛陈冠文先手负于棋仙,五六炮对反宫马,请欣赏。 卷心菜   (592 bytes , 369reads )
Hi all , don't juz posted your won game ... must be fair <: ) 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 349reads )
还是贴你输的棋,公平吗?网络蚂蚁红先负棋手A 棋仙   (396 bytes , 309reads )
网络蚂蚁Vs 棋手A 网络蚂蚁   (753 bytes , 383reads )
不知道啊,反正不是我,反宫马走成这样没激情,呵呵! 棋仙   (0 bytes , 302reads )
呵呵 !! Of course not you lah 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 299reads )
公平!!公平!! 不要掀我的牌 ! 网络蚂蚁   (69 bytes , 332reads )
internet _ant 不好意思啊 棋仙   (74 bytes , 356reads )
胜负只在一线之间啊 几度   (832 bytes , 339reads )
评注: 棋仙   (265 bytes , 360reads )
棋仙太谦虚了 几度   (114 bytes , 348reads )
下得最凶的是对陈俊华 棋仙   (557 bytes , 385reads )
嗯,挺凶的。看的出陈其实不想对攻的,只是兵五进一后没算到那么后面。 卷心菜   (60 bytes , 372reads )
后面几步他还有个机会,只是时间不够 棋仙   (229 bytes , 323reads )
最惨败的一次是个人赛对崔晓东 棋仙   (368 bytes , 380reads )
火云邪神 VS 许震川 火云邪神   (732 bytes , 562reads )
评注 火云邪神   (170 bytes , 374reads )
许震川还是开流行布局好 几度   (82 bytes , 334reads )
赞成 火云邪神   (110 bytes , 295reads )
how to make动态棋局? 棋仙   (58 bytes , 298reads )
详情请参看置顶贴 一刀n断   (81 bytes , 290reads )
动态棋局==顺炮 齐天大圣   (350 bytes , 383reads )
齐天大圣,这6盘棋都是你跟火云邪神下的么? 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 294reads )
最后柯永青胜了,这些棋很面熟啊 棋仙   (0 bytes , 362reads )
不是我下的 火云邪神   (17 bytes , 294reads )
奇怪,这么多人知道我是谁? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 375reads )
Xi xi , who are you we know <:) 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 271reads )
没有啊,其实我有个问题,我附近的queenstown CC里面有没有什么象棋活动? 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 345reads )
你可以找林资雄杀,他住那里 棋仙   (46 bytes , 348reads )
是么,他也住女皇镇附近? 卷心菜   (62 bytes , 319reads )
你的未来师傅就是他陪练的 棋仙   (192 bytes , 416reads )
好像每年国际象棋办得挺热闹。 几度   (66 bytes , 271reads )
都是上班时间来顶贴。。。>_<" 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 415reads )
看来上班偷懒的人太多 棋仙   (10 bytes , 319reads )
动态棋局 齐天大圣   (354 bytes , 322reads )
动态棋局 (3) 齐天大圣   (407 bytes , 358reads )
动态棋局 (3) 齐天大圣   (405 bytes , 309reads )
动态棋局 (4) 齐天大圣   (369 bytes , 305reads )
动态棋局 (4) 齐天大圣   (316 bytes , 349reads )
动态棋局 (5) 齐天大圣   (420 bytes , 325reads )
动态棋局 (6) 齐天大圣   (690 bytes , 312reads )
卷老师有教过,请看.... 火云邪神   (1208 bytes , 353reads )
不行啊,火老师 棋仙   (54 bytes , 347reads )
没关系,仙老师,把你的棋局email给小弟,我帮你帖。 卷心菜   (38 bytes , 412reads )
不错啊! 胡耀宇   (55 bytes , 320reads )
献丑啦 火云邪神   (50 bytes , 342reads )
18 Nov 2007 (tentative) Pasir Ris East C.C. may organise a 10 team event 棋人生   (0 bytes , 314reads )
9月23日 -- 2007 雅柏广场象棋团体联谊赛 棋人生   (0 bytes , 320reads )
I heard that the 10 teams are ...... 棋人生   (115 bytes , 294reads )
9月8日 -- 哥南亚逸3周年纪念6队象棋团体联谊赛 棋人生   (0 bytes , 298reads )
5 Players per team, total 6 teams 棋人生   (98 bytes , 308reads )
为何只是6队? 火云邪神   (46 bytes , 344reads )
Usual due to limitation of space and budget 棋人生   (0 bytes , 382reads )
7月22日 & 29日 甘榜格南2007个人赛 棋人生   (0 bytes , 330reads )
2007 Group B Top 20, at least these four are in the competition .... 棋人生   (58 bytes , 349reads )
这几个碰到潘明华或刘再成,估计都活不下来了 棋仙   (0 bytes , 367reads )
棋仙那么看好刘再成? 火云邪神   (20 bytes , 403reads )
刘乙级没有退很厉害啊! 棋仙   (188 bytes , 355reads )
棋仙的话很有道理 几度   (97 bytes , 282reads )
of course, we should not forget 卷心菜大哥..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 273reads )
本周日就要开战,各路强手在紧张备战中。请大家预测本届比赛的冠军! 卷心菜   (81 bytes , 324reads )
Actually, still do not know number of players and who they are .... 棋人生   (41 bytes , 355reads )
赵金山 and 郑木兴 should be in the top few ..... 棋人生   (1 bytes , 395reads )
也未必! 棋仙   (152 bytes , 314reads )
My top3: 梁至顺, 张友彬,李国华 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 378reads )
传言比赛时有人下迷魂药 胡耀宇   (170 bytes , 372reads )
应该是真的 火云邪神   (54 bytes , 352reads )
血气方刚,怕什么迷魂药! 几度   (152 bytes , 333reads )
这样啊,可是我真的是真心请棋人生大哥吃饭的啊。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 308reads )
你可以付现款给棋大哥 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 313reads )
if in the competition, may need to have lunch and dinner at ..... 棋人生   (55 bytes , 435reads )
真的假的? 卷心菜   (167 bytes , 322reads )
错了,张特大最注重仪表! 棋仙   (151 bytes , 315reads )
国象都是美女啊,谢军,诸宸。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 332reads )
范国锋 棋人生   (29 bytes , 352reads )
这次冠军我猜不出,不过亚军我能猜,一定是棋人生大哥! 卷心菜   (66 bytes , 312reads )
我猜冠军是卷心菜大哥....... 棋人生   (58 bytes , 320reads )
太客气了 几度   (120 bytes , 344reads )
collected 10 forms as of 11 July 2007 (closed at Bishan) 棋人生   (171 bytes , 416reads )
11 July, Wednesday is the Last day for Bishan to help collect registrtion forms 棋人生   (0 bytes , 289reads )
甘榜格南2007个人赛具体时间 卷心菜   (293 bytes , 362reads )
谁有报名表格或联络号码? 几度   (0 bytes , 286reads )
Some related information .... 棋人生   (590 bytes , 411reads )
报名费多少? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 368reads )
$10/= 棋人生   (0 bytes , 288reads )
会员$2 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 292reads )
谁会参加? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 311reads )
郑木兴's registration form with me. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 321reads )
许永坤's registration form with me. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 349reads )
蔡俊杰 ,wenqishou and 卷心菜 collected forms ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 327reads )
棋人生 -- Still have registration form ? 理解象棋   (55 bytes , 307reads )
Yes, I still have forms and only help to send forms to yun hao for registration 棋人生   (0 bytes , 352reads )
蔡俊杰 has registered 棋人生   (0 bytes , 330reads )
i have registered with 两个19岁的students. 卷心菜   (55 bytes , 377reads )
卷老师真热心 火云邪神   (15 bytes , 338reads )
反过来才对,是我去学习他们的棋. 卷心菜   (36 bytes , 328reads )
真谦虚 火云邪神   (20 bytes , 290reads )
我一直想写我的象棋成长史,象棋人生一样写一篇,可惜一直没动笔. 卷心菜   (198 bytes , 331reads )
还是别写,你还在成长中 棋仙   (16 bytes , 337reads )
棋坛须要象你一样有干劲的年轻人 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 391reads )
wanted to ensure we have 60 pages, so force myself to write in May 2007 ... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 336reads )
7月1日 -- 白沙东(飞鹰)与义顺南举行友谊赛。 棋人生   (0 bytes , 271reads )
白沙东-义顺南友谊赛补记 几度   (1196 bytes , 425reads )
第10台钟荣祥对李炎财 几度   (719 bytes , 441reads )
钟荣祥 VS 李炎财 理解象棋   (587 bytes , 533reads )
Rong Xiang shall thank you for your comments. 几度   (328 bytes , 472reads )
第2台张耀兴对李美成 几度   (410 bytes , 376reads )
张耀兴 几度   (180 bytes , 381reads )
张耀兴不是胜厦门特大郑一弘那位? 胡耀宇   (99 bytes , 375reads )
If not wrong 火云邪神 also 胜厦门特大郑一弘 before !! 网络蚂蚁   (14 bytes , 319reads )
张建明时代的冠军? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 348reads )
章建明好像是早他一两届。 几度   (42 bytes , 319reads )
应该比较早吧? 火云邪神   (46 bytes , 293reads )
非也非也 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 268reads )
I think I met him at least 3 time since from youth Cup 理解象棋   (106 bytes , 509reads )
我的印象中张耀兴顺炮好,理解象棋如何看? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 294reads )
动态棋局 (7) 张耀兴 齐天大圣   (413 bytes , 362reads )
红是谁? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 312reads )
黑不是胜定了么? 卷心菜   (32 bytes , 328reads )
黑超时负。 几度   (238 bytes , 344reads )
Results (60 minutes, 15 boards) ... 棋人生   (45 bytes , 389reads )
第11台:卷心菜先胜林纯凯 卷心菜   (444 bytes , 379reads )
说说看 几度   (1426 bytes , 386reads )
多谢几度分析,我的回复请进 卷心菜   (1856 bytes , 396reads )
走到这里就认输?好像太快 胡耀宇   (115 bytes , 381reads )
Hi Mr Hu .Is lose time ...Clock exceed time 理解象棋   (0 bytes , 391reads )
包干制也是一种痛苦的赛制。 几度   (274 bytes , 461reads )
子力灵活必有反击。以下的攻守就是双方的棋力。 几度   (0 bytes , 365reads )
Woo , so many famous players....todays 网络蚂蚁   (28 bytes , 439reads )
明花暗柳,please post your game with 大师莫文耀,thanks 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 333reads )
sorry, traditional way of posting .... (recorded by 棋儒) 棋人生   (90 bytes , 346reads )
动态棋局 几度   (1054 bytes , 346reads )
大概是这样 几度   (519 bytes , 356reads )
邱冠杰自战解说 明花暗柳   (1965 bytes , 502reads )
14回合黑如车3平4,变化非常复杂。 几度   (118 bytes , 345reads )
白沙东(飞鹰)与义顺南举行友谊赛。 理解象棋   (110 bytes , 391reads )
Thanks, this should be a very keen competiton for the two teams. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 382reads )
What time for coming Sunday ? 棋人生   (0 bytes , 305reads )
6 月27日 -- 第二届新加坡中区象棋团体联谊赛 棋人生   (168 bytes , 320reads )
碧山象棋会成立五周年会庆节目表 棋人生   (284 bytes , 354reads )
Additional Items .... 棋人生   (240 bytes , 417reads )
Existing 2 甲级棋士 and 3 乙级棋士 under 新加坡象棋总会 (No photo) 棋人生   (153 bytes , 534reads )
尹靖元 now Bishan Grade 8 Player 棋人生   (45 bytes , 382reads )
蔡政原 now Bishan Grade 4 Player (Photo) 棋人生   (45 bytes , 429reads )
五周年会庆特辑已出版 棋人生   (71 bytes , 328reads )
Page 49 -- 有级会员,教练员,裁判员 棋人生   (292 bytes , 410reads )
too late to add 吴宗翰 as No. 7 新冠军 since 1995 in ..... 棋人生   (201 bytes , 361reads )