所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-07-03 14:18

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 


有空可以到波那维斯达CC下下棋!这边通常星期天下午2-10点开放(公众假期或整队外出比赛除外)。环境不错,课室也有冷气。地址是36 Holland Drive #02-05 (S) 270036。附近是Buona Vista MRT(走5分钟),也有巴士32,74,91,95,145,191,200等。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
未来3个月的象棋活动 棋人生   (337 bytes , 1404reads )
50 players in 甘榜格南2007个人赛 (7月22日 & 29日) .... 棋人生   (29 bytes , 304reads )
好郁闷阿! yinan   (90 bytes , 313reads )
出了漏着反省就好,不要太自责。 几度   (408 bytes , 364reads )
There are several ways....t 网络蚂蚁   (155 bytes , 357reads )
没事儿,下星期天还有四轮,下好就行! 卷心菜   (12 bytes , 333reads )
I have one point only ....but still fighting .......... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 351reads )
Breakdown after 1st or 2nd Round ..... 棋人生   (683 bytes , 375reads )
赛程太紧,not fair for >50岁 players. 卷心菜   (78 bytes , 357reads )
Currently in the Top 20 after Round 4, there are ..... 棋人生   (575 bytes , 398reads )
2006 Results, 范国锋 has returned to China in Mar 2007 ..... 棋人生   (46 bytes , 352reads )
陈茂然这次比赛应该列三甲之内 棋仙   (20 bytes , 432reads )
Top 20 after Round 4 ...... 棋人生   (227 bytes , 366reads )
I have a check, .... 棋人生   (115 bytes , 397reads )
哈哈,梁至顺乙级果然4连胜高居榜首 卷心菜   (49 bytes , 324reads )
陈茂然 did not join this time ... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 358reads )
团体赛陈冠文先手负于棋仙,五六炮对反宫马,请欣赏。 卷心菜   (592 bytes , 369reads )
Hi all , don't juz posted your won game ... must be fair <: ) 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 349reads )
还是贴你输的棋,公平吗?网络蚂蚁红先负棋手A 棋仙   (396 bytes , 309reads )
网络蚂蚁Vs 棋手A 网络蚂蚁   (753 bytes , 383reads )
不知道啊,反正不是我,反宫马走成这样没激情,呵呵! 棋仙   (0 bytes , 302reads )
呵呵 !! Of course not you lah 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 299reads )
公平!!公平!! 不要掀我的牌 ! 网络蚂蚁   (69 bytes , 331reads )
internet _ant 不好意思啊 棋仙   (74 bytes , 356reads )
胜负只在一线之间啊 几度   (832 bytes , 339reads )
评注: 棋仙   (265 bytes , 359reads )
棋仙太谦虚了 几度   (114 bytes , 348reads )
下得最凶的是对陈俊华 棋仙   (557 bytes , 385reads )
嗯,挺凶的。看的出陈其实不想对攻的,只是兵五进一后没算到那么后面。 卷心菜   (60 bytes , 372reads )
后面几步他还有个机会,只是时间不够 棋仙   (229 bytes , 323reads )
最惨败的一次是个人赛对崔晓东 棋仙   (368 bytes , 380reads )
火云邪神 VS 许震川 火云邪神   (732 bytes , 562reads )
评注 火云邪神   (170 bytes , 374reads )
许震川还是开流行布局好 几度   (82 bytes , 334reads )
赞成 火云邪神   (110 bytes , 295reads )
how to make动态棋局? 棋仙   (58 bytes , 298reads )
详情请参看置顶贴 一刀n断   (81 bytes , 290reads )
动态棋局==顺炮 齐天大圣   (350 bytes , 383reads )
齐天大圣,这6盘棋都是你跟火云邪神下的么? 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 293reads )
最后柯永青胜了,这些棋很面熟啊 棋仙   (0 bytes , 362reads )
不是我下的 火云邪神   (17 bytes , 294reads )
奇怪,这么多人知道我是谁? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 375reads )
Xi xi , who are you ...how we know <:) 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 271reads )
没有啊,其实我有个问题,我附近的queenstown CC里面有没有什么象棋活动? 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 345reads )
你可以找林资雄杀,他住那里 棋仙   (46 bytes , 348reads )
是么,他也住女皇镇附近? 卷心菜   (62 bytes , 318reads )
你的未来师傅就是他陪练的 棋仙   (192 bytes , 415reads )
好像每年国际象棋办得挺热闹。 几度   (66 bytes , 271reads )
都是上班时间来顶贴。。。>_<" 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 415reads )
看来上班偷懒的人太多 棋仙   (10 bytes , 319reads )
动态棋局 齐天大圣   (354 bytes , 322reads )
动态棋局 (3) 齐天大圣   (407 bytes , 358reads )
动态棋局 (3) 齐天大圣   (405 bytes , 309reads )
动态棋局 (4) 齐天大圣   (369 bytes , 305reads )
动态棋局 (4) 齐天大圣   (316 bytes , 349reads )
动态棋局 (5) 齐天大圣   (420 bytes , 324reads )
动态棋局 (6) 齐天大圣   (690 bytes , 312reads )
卷老师有教过,请看.... 火云邪神   (1208 bytes , 353reads )
不行啊,火老师 棋仙   (54 bytes , 347reads )
没关系,仙老师,把你的棋局email给小弟,我帮你帖。 卷心菜   (38 bytes , 412reads )
不错啊! 胡耀宇   (55 bytes , 320reads )
献丑啦 火云邪神   (50 bytes , 342reads )
18 Nov 2007 (tentative) Pasir Ris East C.C. may organise a 10 team event 棋人生   (0 bytes , 314reads )
9月23日 -- 2007 雅柏广场象棋团体联谊赛 棋人生   (0 bytes , 320reads )
I heard that the 10 teams are ...... 棋人生   (115 bytes , 294reads )
9月8日 -- 哥南亚逸3周年纪念6队象棋团体联谊赛 棋人生   (0 bytes , 298reads )
5 Players per team, total 6 teams 棋人生   (98 bytes , 308reads )
为何只是6队? 火云邪神   (46 bytes , 344reads )
Usual due to limitation of space and budget 棋人生   (0 bytes , 381reads )
7月22日 & 29日 甘榜格南2007个人赛 棋人生   (0 bytes , 329reads )
2007 Group B Top 20, at least these four are in the competition .... 棋人生   (58 bytes , 349reads )
这几个碰到潘明华或刘再成,估计都活不下来了 棋仙   (0 bytes , 367reads )
棋仙那么看好刘再成? 火云邪神   (20 bytes , 403reads )
刘乙级没有退很厉害啊! 棋仙   (188 bytes , 355reads )
棋仙的话很有道理 几度   (97 bytes , 281reads )
of course, we should not forget 卷心菜大哥..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 273reads )
本周日就要开战,各路强手在紧张备战中。请大家预测本届比赛的冠军! 卷心菜   (81 bytes , 324reads )
Actually, still do not know number of players and who they are .... 棋人生   (41 bytes , 355reads )
赵金山 and 郑木兴 should be in the top few ..... 棋人生   (1 bytes , 395reads )
也未必! 棋仙   (152 bytes , 314reads )
My top3: 梁至顺, 张友彬,李国华 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 378reads )
传言比赛时有人下迷魂药 胡耀宇   (170 bytes , 372reads )
应该是真的 火云邪神   (54 bytes , 352reads )
血气方刚,怕什么迷魂药! 几度   (152 bytes , 333reads )
这样啊,可是我真的是真心请棋人生大哥吃饭的啊。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 308reads )
你可以付现款给棋大哥 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 313reads )
if in the competition, may need to have lunch and dinner at ..... 棋人生   (55 bytes , 435reads )
真的假的? 卷心菜   (167 bytes , 322reads )
错了,张特大最注重仪表! 棋仙   (151 bytes , 315reads )
国象都是美女啊,谢军,诸宸。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 332reads )
范国锋 棋人生   (29 bytes , 351reads )
这次冠军我猜不出,不过亚军我能猜,一定是棋人生大哥! 卷心菜   (66 bytes , 312reads )
我猜冠军是卷心菜大哥....... 棋人生   (58 bytes , 320reads )
太客气了 几度   (120 bytes , 344reads )
collected 10 forms as of 11 July 2007 (closed at Bishan) 棋人生   (171 bytes , 416reads )
11 July, Wednesday is the Last day for Bishan to help collect registrtion forms 棋人生   (0 bytes , 289reads )
甘榜格南2007个人赛具体时间 卷心菜   (293 bytes , 361reads )
谁有报名表格或联络号码? 几度   (0 bytes , 286reads )
Some related information .... 棋人生   (590 bytes , 411reads )
报名费多少? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 368reads )
$10/= 棋人生   (0 bytes , 288reads )
会员$2 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 292reads )
谁会参加? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 311reads )
郑木兴's registration form with me. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 321reads )
许永坤's registration form with me. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 349reads )
蔡俊杰 ,wenqishou and 卷心菜 collected forms ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 327reads )
棋人生 -- Still have registration form ? 理解象棋   (55 bytes , 307reads )
Yes, I still have forms and only help to send forms to yun hao for registration 棋人生   (0 bytes , 352reads )
蔡俊杰 has registered 棋人生   (0 bytes , 330reads )
i have registered with 两个19岁的students. 卷心菜   (55 bytes , 377reads )
卷老师真热心 火云邪神   (15 bytes , 338reads )
反过来才对,是我去学习他们的棋. 卷心菜   (36 bytes , 328reads )
真谦虚 火云邪神   (20 bytes , 289reads )
我一直想写我的象棋成长史,象棋人生一样写一篇,可惜一直没动笔. 卷心菜   (198 bytes , 331reads )
还是别写,你还在成长中 棋仙   (16 bytes , 337reads )
棋坛须要象你一样有干劲的年轻人 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 391reads )
wanted to ensure we have 60 pages, so force myself to write in May 2007 ... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 336reads )
7月1日 -- 白沙东(飞鹰)与义顺南举行友谊赛。 棋人生   (0 bytes , 271reads )
白沙东-义顺南友谊赛补记 几度   (1196 bytes , 425reads )
第10台钟荣祥对李炎财 几度   (719 bytes , 441reads )
钟荣祥 VS 李炎财 理解象棋   (587 bytes , 533reads )
Rong Xiang shall thank you for your comments. 几度   (328 bytes , 472reads )
第2台张耀兴对李美成 几度   (410 bytes , 376reads )
张耀兴 几度   (180 bytes , 381reads )
张耀兴不是胜厦门特大郑一弘那位? 胡耀宇   (99 bytes , 375reads )
If not wrong 火云邪神 also 胜厦门特大郑一弘 before !! 网络蚂蚁   (14 bytes , 319reads )
张建明时代的冠军? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 348reads )
章建明好像是早他一两届。 几度   (42 bytes , 319reads )
应该比较早吧? 火云邪神   (46 bytes , 292reads )
非也非也 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 268reads )
I think I met him at least 3 time since from youth Cup 理解象棋   (106 bytes , 508reads )
我的印象中张耀兴顺炮好,理解象棋如何看? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 294reads )
动态棋局 (7) 张耀兴 齐天大圣   (413 bytes , 362reads )
红是谁? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 312reads )
黑不是胜定了么? 卷心菜   (32 bytes , 328reads )
黑超时负。 几度   (238 bytes , 343reads )
Results (60 minutes, 15 boards) ... 棋人生   (45 bytes , 388reads )
第11台:卷心菜先胜林纯凯 卷心菜   (444 bytes , 379reads )
说说看 几度   (1426 bytes , 386reads )
多谢几度分析,我的回复请进 卷心菜   (1856 bytes , 395reads )
走到这里就认输?好像太快 胡耀宇   (115 bytes , 380reads )
Hi Mr Hu .Is lose time ...Clock exceed time 理解象棋   (0 bytes , 391reads )
包干制也是一种痛苦的赛制。 几度   (274 bytes , 460reads )
子力灵活必有反击。以下的攻守就是双方的棋力。 几度   (0 bytes , 365reads )
Woo , so many famous players....todays 网络蚂蚁   (28 bytes , 439reads )
明花暗柳,please post your game with 大师莫文耀,thanks 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 332reads )
sorry, traditional way of posting .... (recorded by 棋儒) 棋人生   (90 bytes , 346reads )
动态棋局 几度   (1054 bytes , 346reads )
大概是这样 几度   (519 bytes , 356reads )
邱冠杰自战解说 明花暗柳   (1965 bytes , 502reads )
14回合黑如车3平4,变化非常复杂。 几度   (118 bytes , 344reads )
白沙东(飞鹰)与义顺南举行友谊赛。 理解象棋   (110 bytes , 391reads )
Thanks, this should be a very keen competiton for the two teams. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 382reads )
What time for coming Sunday ? 棋人生   (0 bytes , 305reads )
6 月27日 -- 第二届新加坡中区象棋团体联谊赛 棋人生   (168 bytes , 320reads )
碧山象棋会成立五周年会庆节目表 棋人生   (284 bytes , 354reads )
Additional Items .... 棋人生   (240 bytes , 417reads )
Existing 2 甲级棋士 and 3 乙级棋士 under 新加坡象棋总会 (No photo) 棋人生   (153 bytes , 534reads )
尹靖元 now Bishan Grade 8 Player 棋人生   (45 bytes , 382reads )
蔡政原 now Bishan Grade 4 Player (Photo) 棋人生   (45 bytes , 429reads )
五周年会庆特辑已出版 棋人生   (71 bytes , 328reads )
Page 49 -- 有级会员,教练员,裁判员 棋人生   (292 bytes , 410reads )
too late to add 吴宗翰 as No. 7 新冠军 since 1995 in ..... 棋人生   (201 bytes , 361reads )